Discovering Your True Purpose

Discovering Your True Purpose

Do you work to live – or do you live for your work? There’s an enormous difference between these two ways of living - and the harsh fact is that the vast majority of people today reluctantly turn up at their place of work - even if it’s the few short steps from bed to their computer screens - because it’s the only way to keep themselves fed, watered and housed. Work for most people today is seen more as a survival mechanism than as a way to celebrate the great gift of life.

Does any of that sound familiar to you?

Perhaps that’s why the word ‘JOB’ has been interpreted as ‘Just Over Broke’! It might seem cynical but it serves as a timely reminder that most people really don’t like their work and feel that their lives are unfulfilled and unfulfilling. No wonder that stress levels are at record highs for so many individuals.

Every living organism is fulfilled when it follows the right path for its own nature.

― Marcus Aurelius

It might not be possible to just quit the day job and throw yourself on Fortune’s fickle mercy. But, if life is to be fully appreciated as a truly precious gift, then it makes sense to consider the best ways to capitalise on all of its opportunities.

When Abraham Maslow described his celebrated Hierarchy of Needs, he placed self-actualisation as the highest form of attainment for individual humans. His insights revealed that people who develop a sense of mission in life tend to be highly-driven and focused in the attainment of their goals. The fulfilment of a deeply-held sense of purpose can lead to the realisation of the great goal of self-actualisation.

So, how do we find our own personal sense of mission? How do we tap into this rich seam of potential power and energy? How do we tune into the wellspring of our deeper purpose?

While you'll feel compelled to charge forward, it's often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you are and what you truly seek.

― Rasheed Ogunlaru

This kind of introspective exercise deserves a little time and space in order to fully appreciate its majestic potential. When we take a step back from the daily intensity of our working lives, we can breathe more slowly and learn to turn our attention inwards. This is the inner world where the insights we seek can be detected. We need to free our perception from the bonds and restrictions of our immediate needs. We also need to develop a deeper appreciation of the uniqueness of our lives – and of the sobering fact that our time is limited. As our days are numbered, we need to make absolutely sure that, from this moment onwards, we shall surely make the fullest use of every hour that remains to us.

It can be very useful to take a little time out of the busy, daily routine and give yourself permission to daydream, to imagine what your perfect life would look and feel like. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do? Is there a talent or a skill that you didn’t develop because you didn’t think it would help you to earn a living? Is there an occupation or career that you’d love to pursue? None of us are going to live forever. When were you planning to start work on fulfilling your potential? Is there some vague date in some future calendar when you might be able to start doing what you’d really love to do?

There are countless accounts of people waking up and changing their lives and careers because the drive to do something worthwhile proved irresistible.

?It’s not that life is short, but that we waste it doing things that have no relevance to our life's purpose

― Clement Ogedegbe

It’s worth remembering that one of the most satisfying ways to use your time and energy is to do something that gives you the feeling that you’re making a positive difference to the people around you. When people feel inspired to make the world a better place, they often feel imbued with a sense of mission that makes them truly formidable in the pursuit of their dreams. Mission incites passion and determination in the hearts of individuals who set out on their quest to fulfill their vision. That’s why a deep sense of purpose can enrich our lives and free us from the obligation to sign on for a daily work routine that in truth we detest.

Take a moment to reflect on your talents, both the ones you’re using every day as well as the ones that are still waiting to be fully developed. Make a commitment right now to find a fulfilling way to express your potential. Ask yourself what would make your life more rewarding, more fulfilling and - perhaps - more fun. Let the thoughts and feelings coalesce into a vision of a new life for yourself. Tune into your deeper purpose. Step beyond the daily need for survival and imagine a life where you could prosper by doing exactly what you’ve always dreamed of doing. Celebrate the gift of your life by honouring the best way for you to express your capacity to make a difference. Time is short. Don’t delay. Don’t waste another second leading a life that fails to live up to your expectations.

When you came into this world, you came with great potential, you came here with a purpose to fulfil and you were wired with everything you need to fulfil your purpose.

― Clement Ogedegbe

?If you enjoy these blogs, you can imagine how much fun it is to have Greg in the room as an inspirational and highly perceptive speaker. If you’d like to invite Greg to talk to your company or organisation or event, either in person or via a live link on the Internet, feel free to get in touch.

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