Discovering Your Purpose In Life
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Discovering Your Purpose In Life

Some of us are looking for a more meaningful line of work or a way in which we can contribute to the betterment of those around us. Something that is enriching and profound. Something that moves us deep within; A purpose that is beyond the generality of a job and the duties of a position that doesn’t fit with our core values and who we are. 

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Your “why” or your reason for committing fully to something should have a deeper meaning than being purely superficial. Otherwise, it is too easy to lose motivation, especially when times get challenging. It is too easy to become disheartened, detached and overly stressed as we feel the demands of tasks that don’t align with who we truly are. 

When we reside in these positions, we are not truly vested in our undertaking as it carries minimal meaning to you intrinsically.

Trying to simply “find your passion” is a relatively futile endeavor. Forcing a discovery in any capacity can lead to questionable commitment and a half-hearted execution of most related tasks. Discipline becomes the main definitive for ensuring sustainability. Otherwise, the majority of people will initially be eager and full of excitement only to get slapped in the face by the point of diminishing returns; better referred to as the “lull”.

One proven method to discovering your “why” or your way of contributing is to use your journey of overcoming struggle and hardship to help others do the same.

“Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.” ― Rumi

There will always be someone somewhere that is having extreme difficulty in overcoming exactly what you have endured and triumphed over. These individuals need your wisdom and guidance. They can gain so much from your empathy, strength, and resilience. You are their beacon of hope and possibility. You become their example of what’s possible. It is an admirable undertaking and one you can be proud to pursue.

Your ability to be courageous in sharing and fully transparent about your journey, in all of its manifestations, becomes the conduit of change for others.

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.” ― Brené Brown

People can gain so much from being guided through their difficult times. On the other side of our struggle, we begin to appreciate life on a different level.

We are changed. We are fortified, wise and aware. 

Once you’ve been dealt the harsh and heavy blows of life, appreciating even the smallest things becomes an enriching experience. The ones who have lived the full magnitude of this contrast have a deeper capacity and awareness. Things become beautiful. The trivial bs that once consumed our lives no longer matters.

We become consumed by humility, empathy, and compassion as well as strength and fortitude.

We are tougher and at the same time, we are tender. We can relate to those that are in the midst of struggle. We can provide guidance, support, and insight. We can help heal and we can empower. We can contribute with purpose. We have a calling. It is to lift humanity and all those that we can touch.

Begin small and centralized, helping those close to us and refining our message, gradually moving to increase our reach and those that we empower.

Our breaking points are more than just challenging times. They are necessary as they become the catalyst for defining our purpose.

There is no greater calling in life than to take the lessons you’ve learned in overcoming your pain and using it to help others overcome their own. We can all do this.

There are countless levels of appreciation and contribution. Find yours and help support and heal those that need it. Your life will take on an entirely new meaning.

Other articles/posts you may find of interest:

Forgiveness - Your Key To Freedom

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Overwhelmed? The Solution Is Here And Now

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Click here for a free copy of my book, The Power Of Comebacks.

#life #purpose #meaning #success #yourlife #contribution #entrepreneur

Priya Mishra

Ask me if you are looking for Management consultants to design your system, business growth strategy, budgeting, exit and success strategy. Open for strategic partnership.

2 年

Darryl, thanks for sharing!

Fernando Corona

?? Father and Husband First, Real Estate Second

4 年

I really resonated with the piece about being the lifeboat for others who are going through a similar struggle that you have already passed through. I do this many times for others I see going through the footsteps and I seek it from those ahead of me. appreciate the article Darryl Waugh


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