Discovering Your Life Purpose
#lifepurpose #DNA #uniqueness #keepingupwiththeJoneses #externalcomparisons #personalgrowth #fulfillingpurpose #traumicevents #findingmeaning #hardships #perspective #selfreflection #corevalues #passion #goals #fulfillment #happiness #selfdiscovery
Since the beginning of human history, the question of purpose has vexed and puzzled us. The saying "there is always someone stronger than you, smarter than you, more handsome or beautiful than you" highlights the fact that there is always something or someone greater than ourselves. This fact has spurred the question of purpose in the human mind since the dawn of time. Many religious figures and political leaders are revered for having found their purpose, but it is unclear if they truly knew their purpose at the time or not. While the concept of purpose can be examined from scientific, psychological, and spiritual perspectives, it is a vast and complex idea that may never be fully understood. However, this does not mean that individuals cannot strive to discover their own purpose in life. In this discussion, we will delve into various approaches to finding purpose and provide insights on this timeless question.
It is a well-known scientific fact that your DNA is unique (1), which means that you are a singular entity and there is no other individual like you. This inherent singularity designates you as a distinct individual, and it is clear that you have a special purpose and something unique to contribute to the world. There is an old saying called "Keeping up with the Joneses," which tells the story of a person who tries to emulate the lavish lifestyle of a wealthier neighbor. He and his family ultimately find themselves living a life of misery as they are unable to attain the same level of wealth and success. This serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of trying to imitate others and highlights the importance of embracing your own unique qualities and purpose.
One of the keys to discovering your purpose in life is to avoid comparing yourself to others. While it is natural to engage in competition and strive to be better than others in various areas, it is important to remember that each person is unique and has their own path to follow. Constantly comparing yourself to others can lead to negative emotions such as resentment towards those perceived as superior and contempt towards those perceived as inferior. This focus on external comparisons, which I call the "Jones Scale," can distract you from your own journey and prevent you from discovering your own purpose. It is crucial to remember that life is not a zero-sum game and that you have your own unique qualities and strengths to contribute. By focusing on personal growth and development rather than external comparisons, you can better discover and fulfill your purpose in life.
There was an old janitor in a high school who worked tirelessly for many years, and his impact on the community was not fully understood until the day he passed. During his memorial service in the auditorium, an overwhelming number of current and former students showed up, and the parking lot was so packed with cars that TV screens had to be set up outside to broadcast the service. As the news of the event spread, the story of the old janitor's life came to light. It was revealed that he had previously been a professor with a PhD in clinical psychology, but after the tragic deaths of his wife and son, he had resigned from his position and moved to a small town to work as a janitor. The janitor's son had been a drug addict, and while being rushed to the hospital by his wife, they were involved in a fatal car accident that claimed both their lives. Current and former students began sharing their experiences of how the janitor had counseled and helped them overcome addiction. Many credited him with saving their lives. It seems that the old janitor's purpose was to provide support and guidance to those in need, and he fulfilled this purpose with dedication and compassion
It is not uncommon for individuals to discover their purpose in life after experiencing a traumatic event, as exemplified by the story of the janitor. Such "life-changing" moments can be found in various forms, including religious conversion or finding something personally rewarding. While some individuals may have a clear sense of their purpose from the outset, others may struggle to find meaning and may simply go through the motions of daily life without a clear direction. It is important to recognize that the search for purpose is a deeply personal journey and may take different forms for different individuals.
As you consider the question of purpose, it may be helpful to reflect on the reasons behind your choices in career and other aspects of your life. Did you choose your current job and career for financial gain, to keep up with the joneses, to support your loved ones, or for some other reason? Asking yourself these questions can help you determine whether your purpose is a worthy cause or not. It is important to remember that the search for purpose is a deeply personal journey and that the path forward may require introspection and self-reflection. Ultimately, the key to finding your purpose may involve seeking guidance from a higher power.
It is important to recognize that the concept of the "Jones Scale," which refers to the tendency to compare yourself to others and measure your own worth against external benchmarks, is a fundamental part of the human experience. As an integral part of this system, it is not possible to completely destroy the scale without destroying yourself. This is because, like the beam that holds the weighing plates in place on a scale, you are an essential part of the system and to destroy the scale would mean destroying yourself. Instead, the key to finding your purpose is to focus on your own motives and consider whether they are worthy or unworthy. It is also important to recognize that those on both sides of the scale are also searching for their own purpose and that it is essential to respect the unique qualities and value of each individual. By examining your own motivations and striving to align them with your values and goals, you can better discover and fulfill your purpose in life. Is your purpose worthy, or unworthy? If it is a worthy cause, then you have found your purpose.
(1) "DNA - Genetics Home Reference - NIH." U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health,