Discovering the Power of Acceptance
Amore and the Sublime Power of Acceptance
The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is self-acceptance.
- Nathaniel Branden
What does love mean to you? When you take a quick look at our culture, our literature, film, art and entertainment, love appears to be a dominant and recurring feature. Love is obviously an extremely popular topic. It’s also a commercial commodity that’s heavily promoted by stories, film, drama, advertising and popular myth.
But is there more to love than this stylised form of romanticism?
We’d like to suggest that there is. We’d like to propose that there is much more to consider.
Despite our intimate familiarity with the subject, the word fails to convey the deeper power that lies concealed within its deeper aspects. Perhaps we should seek a better word and that word would be 'acceptance'. Why ‘acceptance’? Because this implies a lesser role for the ego and a more complete expression of how to be at peace with ourselves and others the world around us.
The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance. - Brian Tracy
Acceptance may be one of the most powerful experiences a human being can encounter.
It is truly powerful in its complete expression yet it doesn’t require us to accept inappropriate behaviour. It doesn't blind us to the qualities we may see in ourselves and in others.
Its power allows us to experience a more direct connection to our deeper selves and the true potential that lies within everyone else.
Happiness can exist only in acceptance.
- George Orwell
As a culture, we may well be in love with love but the pathway to peace and understanding is paved with a deeper capacity to accept ourselves and the people around us. These are certainly not new ideas but, in an age of superficiality, uncertain foundations and a lack of heroically inspiring role models, it is reassuring to recognise that we are capable of extremely powerful expressions of selfless love.
A profound capacity to accept ourselves and others is the foundation for this remarkable force for transformation and fulfilment.
Acceptance is not love. You love a person because he or she has lovable traits, but you accept everybody just because they're alive and human.
- Albert Ellis
Successful living means that we can enjoy deep and fulfilling relationships with ourselves and with others. It’s part of the total richness of life. This beautiful concept of profound acceptance is the cornerstone of experiencing life as a constantly evolving miracle and our lives are deeply enriched by its wonderful outpouring of generosity.
When you stand in the presence of unconditional acceptance, it a transcendental experience. It is a power that each of possesses yet rarely exercises.
Acceptance looks like a passive state but, in reality, it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness.
- Eckhart Tolle
Our mission at The Wellness Foundation is to help you achieve your goals, fulfil your dreams and help you realise your ambitions. If you found these ideas helpful and recognise the power of unconditional acceptance in your life, feel free to share this post and encourage your family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances to harness their potential for a better way of experiencing life.
It’s our intention to be a positive force for change in the world. Let’s help everyone to rise above their limitations and enjoy greater levels of freedom, happiness, inner calm and success in all areas of their lives.
Together, we really can make the world a better place.
Greg Parry created The Wellness Foundation and the Cognitive Empowerment Programs specifically to help people master their stress, overcome their limitations and explore the power of their true potential.
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The Greg Parry Experience
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