Discover Your Vision for your Life --- Alfred Kojo Appiah

Discover Your Vision for your Life --- Alfred Kojo Appiah

Do you have a set vision for your life? Do you know what you want to accomplish and what you are working towards? It is important to take some time to discover your vision for your life. Your vision is like traveling into time and seeing your future. It’s an image that makes you feel hopeful and excited when you look at it. It’s a future reality that you are willing to work and sacrifice for because the rewards will be greater than the sacrifice.

Your vision is the image of your ideal life. It represents all the things & people who mean the most to you. Your vision is your own. It is what you want to achieve, accomplish and enjoy during your lifetime. It will encompass the legacy you want to leave.

It’s not about being successful. It’s not about earning awards or recognition. It’s not about having a big house and a fancy car. It’s not about making a million dollars. It’s about creating a legacy for others to follow. It’s about making a difference in the world around you. It’s about living a life filled with passion, purpose and joy.

I personally believe we are all put here on this earth for a purpose. I believe it’s our responsibility to figure out that purpose and pursue it passionately. The first step to find out our purpose is to create a vision and connect with our dreams.

Your vision may change some as you grow older and as you mature. You may find things that were important to you 10 years ago are not really that important now. You may find that you have realized some of your dreams already and need to create some new dreams and goals to work towards. It is always important to re-evaluate our vision, goals and dreams at least once a year or every few years. Most of all, it’s important to make sure your vision is so powerful that it inspires you, re-energizes you and keeps you motivated to continue striving for those goals. +2330245419390


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