Discover your true potential
The word of the living prophet

Discover your true potential

??????????????????????????????????????????????Does everyone come to earth with the same potential?

???As the question implies, everyone who was created by God we all have our divine potential to dominate and act according to our agency and abilities, my scripture study and prophet have made me know that we all come to this world with different potentials.

????In my study of the scripture I came to understand that we are all given different potentials as established through the parable of the ten talents, and were distributed according to their ability and potential, Spencer Nobbs also speak to the young adult in April 2020 on the topic, "stop limiting yourself "as we are constantly given an opportunity by our heavenly Father to understand our given potential and use it to magnify our callings, responsibility and purpose in earth as he urges us to "discern through the spirit your divine given capacities, as he invites us to look beyond our daily routine of life, encourage us to discover who we are and exhort us to prayerfully make worthy choices that will lead us to realize our full potentials.

???Before you discover your true potential you must first have a growth mindset to be able to have clear and full potential, we must all deviate from what will discourage us like fear, sin, low self-esteem, ignorance, etc, only a few people are born naturally and understand their potential as illustrated by the parable of ten talent, we are all given the talent to utilize it for the betterment of the world.

???Whatever potential we have no matter how irrelevant you might think it is, we must not compare it to others cause we were made with different potentials, to discover your potential we must first find where our spiritual gift obligates us to serve others, we must not criticize, hate or jealous of others potential just as the parable of the ten talent, the one with one talent criticize himself that he would never make use of that money, he hates his master for giving him the least talent and also got jealous of other talents that made him fail to discover his true potential.

???Potential make us stands out in society, it makes us unique and differentiates us, just as many have used their potential to make a difference in the world in terms of investment, discovery, science and technology, implementation, etc. many would say that we came to this earth with the same potential, that if a person becomes a doctor we can all become a doctor, they fail to understand that if all have the potential to become a doctor who will be a teacher, if all were to become a teacher who will be a lawyer, our potential was given to us differently for us to use it to make this world a wonderful place to live in, as the scripture right elaborate that some were given the potential to become a prophet, teacher, Elders, Evangelist and pastor, our heavenly father works are perfect that is why he distributes the calling according to every mans potential.

??Discovery of your potential is the most important thing you must look out for, potential is discovered and developed over time, we must not fail to acknowledge that many don't know that they have a particular potential until they face uncertain circumstances, we must also know that without discovery our true potential we are not fulfilling the purpose of our existence here on earth, our given potential was given to us to use to help each other here on earth.

???I believe if we discover our true potential we will make this earth delightful for others to live in and we will fulfill our heavenly father divine purpose of our creation, I urge us to discover our talents and potential it will go a long way in putting smiles in people's life.

???As the question implies, everyone who was created by God we all have our divine potential to dominate and act according to our agency and abilities, my scripture study and prophet have made me know that we all come to this world with different potentials.

????In my study of the scripture I came to understand that we are all given different potentials as established through the parable of the ten talents, and were distributed according to their ability and potential, Spencer Nobbs also speak to the young adult in April 2020 on the topic, "stop limiting yourself "as we are constantly given an opportunity by our heavenly Father to understand our given potential and use it to magnify our callings, responsibility and purpose in earth as he urges us to "discern through the spirit your divine given capacities, as he invites us to look beyond our daily routine of life, encourage us to discover who we are and exhort us to prayerfully make worthy choices that will lead us to realize our full potentials.

???Before you discover your true potential you must first have a growth mindset to be able to have clear and full potential, we must all deviate from what will discourage us like fear, sin, low self-esteem, ignorance, etc, only a few people are born naturally and understand their potential as illustrated by the parable of ten talent, we are all given the talent to utilize it for the betterment of the world.

???Whatever potential we have no matter how irrelevant you might think it is, we must not compare it to others cause we were made with different potentials, to discover your potential we must first find where our spiritual gift obligates us to serve others, we must not criticize, hate or jealous of others potential just as the parable of the ten talent, the one with one talent criticize himself that he would never make use of that money, he hates his master for giving him the least talent and also got jealous of other talents that made him fail to discover his true potential.

???Potential make us stands out in society, it makes us unique and differentiates us, just as many have used their potential to make a difference in the world in terms of investment, discovery, science and technology, implementation, etc. many would say that we came to this earth with the same potential, that if a person becomes a doctor we can all become a doctor, they fail to understand that if all have the potential to become a doctor who will be a teacher, if all were to become a teacher who will be a lawyer, our potential was given to us differently for us to use it to make this world a wonderful place to live in, as the scripture right elaborate that some were given the potential to become a prophet, teacher, Elders, Evangelist and pastor, our heavenly father works are perfect that is why he distributes the calling according to every mans potential.

??Discovery of your potential is the most important thing you must look out for, potential is discovered and developed over time, we must not fail to acknowledge that many don't know that they have a particular potential until they face uncertain circumstances, we must also know that without discovery our true potential we are not fulfilling the purpose of our existence here on earth, our given potential was given to us to use to help each other here on earth.

???I believe if we discover our true potential we will make this earth delightful for others to live in and we will fulfill our heavenly father divine purpose of our creation, I urge us to discover our talents and potential it will go a long way in putting smiles in people's life.


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