Discover your talents
Patria Batista
Marketing & Business Development Consultant | Bilingual Educator | Empowering Businesses & Entrepreneurs
Don't lose your focus on pursuing other people's careers; don't base your success on what happens to others. Success is individual for each person; what is good for me may not be for others. That is why I invite you to explore yourself and discover your talents, which we all possess and often do not know. Through them, we can open ourselves to a world of new opportunities, and as an entrepreneur, it can be the starting point for the beginning of an excellent business career. The best thing happens when we do what we like; let's not limit ourselves to simply riding the wave of what is trending to make a profit, especially if we do not master it or have experience. You can polish and capitalize on talent because it comes naturally to you, with little effort, and how interesting it would be to validate how profitable it can be. The path of entrepreneurship is long and often tedious, and there is nothing better than doing what comes easily to us so that we can enjoy this journey. That's why I challenge you to discover the greatness you have inside you.