Discover Your Passion: How to Identify and Pursue a Fulfilling Career ??
Have you ever felt that your chosen professional path isn't right for you? And you're thinking about what you should do next. If this is the case, you are not alone. Up to 40% of people feel this way at some point in their careers. But don't worry: we're here to help! First things first: how do you define "passion"? Passion can mean different things to different people, but it's generally considered an intense desire or enthusiasm for something—it could be anything from creating art to climbing mountains.
Regarding identifying your passion, two main questions will help guide the process: What makes me happy? And what are my strengths/weaknesses? These questions may seem simple at first glance, but they're critical in helping you figure out what kind of work will make you happy. Once you've answered these questions honestly and frequently throughout your day-to-day life (while keeping them top of mind), it's time to look at what careers will allow you to use those strengths AND express your passion.
An art career may be ideal for you if you are visual. A profession as an accountant or lawyer may be a good fit for you if you appreciate solving problems. If you enjoy interacting with people, a career in sales may be the best choice for you. The key is to identify occupations that will enable you to accomplish the work that makes you happy and pursue your passions once you know what makes you happy. It's time to research the occupations that will enable you to accomplish the work that brings you happiness and allows you to pursue your hobbies.
An art career may be ideal for you if you are visual. Understanding that no absolute guidelines exist for landing a job is crucial. By all means, pursue a career as an accountant if that is what you genuinely enjoy. However, if you're an artist at heart, feel free to study accounting only if it's practical or profitable. If the purpose of life is to find happiness, then, in an authentic way, finding a job that you love makes finding happiness much more accessible.
If you can find a career path where others value your measurable, observable passion for your work, you are well on your way to fulfilling your reason for living. Whether you're seriously considering a change down the line before graduating from college or you're well on your way to retirement, do what you can to make your passion your profession. The result will be a much happier life that achieves its full potential.