Struggling to Find Your Life Purpose: 7 Tips to help you find it!!! ???????
Clarisa Romero
I Help Professionals Turn Their Career Wishes & Dreams Into Reality!??
Finding your north star is a metaphor used to express the idea of finding your life’s purpose.
Perhaps you have been banging your head against the table trying to figure out what’s the right career for you, and what is your life purpose.?
Well, we are going to use the North Star metaphor to get you to a place where you can find yours!!
This means being able to have a clear vision of what you want to do and where you want to go in your career. Having this type of clarity is not always easy.?
However, when you have a clear intention to make career decisions based on finding your life purpose, it leads to a feeling of being content and fulfilled by the work you are doing.
It may seem like a daunting task but with the right tips and guidance, it can be an exciting journey of self-discovery.
I started my journey back in 2014. At the time, I had been meditating for a month on finding clarity about finding my north star and life purpose.?
I hated my job and was sick and tired of always ending up in jobs where I felt unappreciated and unfulfilled.
So I made up my mind, my next job would be fulfilling.?
However, I had no clue what to pursue or where to begin.?When unexpectedly I was laid off, I knew it was not a coincidence I got laid off just as I had been meditating on finding my life purpose!??
As I was deepening my mindfulness personal practice, I was sharing my learnings with friends and colleagues.?
And, as a result, I was receiving a lot of invitations to do projects including an opportunity to co-create the first-ever New York Open Mindfulness Festival at Central Park in NYC.?
As the saying goes, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson??
Shortly after, one of the projects led to the creation of my company.
As I reflect on my amazing journey, I realize how much clarity and direction understanding what is my “north star” has provided me.
It is my hope that you find your own north star so that you can enjoy the journey of your career and life.
With the new year approaching, here are 7 TIPS I have learned along my journey to help you discover your north star:
???? Brake the cycle of comparing your journey to others by connecting with something deeper inside yourself – tune into your intuition and trust what resonates within.
Only when you quiet your analytical mind can you truly hear that inner voice guiding you toward understanding your true passion and mission in this lifetime.
When you start paying attention, signs will begin appearing as powerful reminders of where to focus: an unexplainable feeling or thought may lead the way on your journey!
???? Get to Know Yourself - Take time for self-reflection and get to know who you are as an individual – what motivates you, what drives you, what gives you joy? Once you have a clear understanding of yourself, it will be easier to identify the career path that best fits your personal values and goals.
????Check In Regularly With Yourself - Life changes quickly, so it’s important to check in with yourself regularly. Evaluate whether or not the goals that once motivated you still do, or if new ones have emerged since then. This will keep your north star shining brightly!
???? Make Connections - Networking is an invaluable tool for discovering new opportunities or finding mentors and coaches who may be able to provide valuable advice on how best to reach your goals.
???? Live Authentically - Live true to yourself; don’t let anyone bully or manipulate you into doing something that doesn’t feel right in order to please them or fit their mold of success – this is YOUR journey so make sure YOU are at the center of it!?
???? Have A Growth Mindset - Be open to learning new things; stay curious about the world around you; ask questions and seek out others who can provide insight into areas of interest or unfamiliar topics.
Having a growth mindset allows you to explore different opportunities without being afraid of failure or disappointment.
???? Don't Be Afraid To Take Risks - Taking risks can be scary but it's essential if you want to grow both personally and professionally.
Don't let fear hold you back from pursuing something that could bring great fulfillment to your future career path. ?
This is easier said than done, usually, you don’t realize your brain is dominated by fear.
Depending on how much chronic stress you have in your life, your mind could be hijacked.
It clouds your judgment and contributes to analysis paralysis.
?I highly recommend taking the Career Burnout quiz to see what energy you’re bringing to your career path!?
By following these seven tips, you can find clarity within yourself and discover a path forward towards career satisfaction that works for YOU – one that encompasses both short-term goals as well as long-term aspirations while taking into account current capabilities and potential growth areas alike!
Whether it’s through discovering new passions, expanding existing skill sets, or creating meaningful connections – every day offers up an opportunity for growth if you are open enough to recognize it!