Discover Your Core Values to Live a Better Life
‘Maturity is when all of your mirrors turn into windows’ Anon
Have you ever had to make a difficult decision where you don’t have the slightest idea about which direction to take? Have you ever spent days, weeks, or even months contemplating one decision? One day, you want to do it, the next day, you don’t want to, and the next you don’t know either way.
If you are like any ordinary human being, chances are you answered a big yes to the two questions. How should you decide whether to say yes or no then? Well, you need to refer to a list of your core values.
Now, the next big question is, how will you discover your core values in the first place?
Worry no more because you can follow several simple steps to help you generate your core values in no time.
List Down All of Your Values
Go online to get a list of sample core values, then write down all the ones that resonate with you. Try adding those that might not be included on the list that you are referring to. Choose the values that are the most accurate descriptions of your behaviors or feelings.
Think of the People You Admire the Most
Values are often embodied in people whom you love and admire. In general, when you admire a quality in other people, it is because it is something you value yourself. Try writing down six persons you admire who serve as your valued connections or role models.
For instance, you can add a colleague because of his dedication and perseverance. You can also include your aunt because of her empathy. You can also have those whom you consider as your heroes. For instance, you might find Martin Luther King, Jr. admirable because of him being kind to other people as well as his commitment to fighting social justice. Take note of the values that the six people personify.
Consider Your Own Experiences
If you want to discover your values, you can look back to your life’s best moments and the most painful ones. Consider what your experiences show about your core values. For instance, if you are named as the employee of the month, leadership and commitment maybe two of the essential values in your life. On the other hand, a painful experience probably taught you that what matters the most are compassion and empathy.
Classify Your Values into Connected Groups
Once you have created a master list of your core values, it is time to review it and see if these can be grouped into categories. For instance, you might have written down personal development, learning, and growth. These are all related values, and you can place them in one category. One more example is if you have chosen punctuality, reliability, and stability, all of which are values that you can group.
Pick Your Main Core Values
Finally, rank your top core values in order of importance. Although people can have different core values, it is often recommended that you narrow these down to 5 to 10. In case you have over 10, ask yourself about the values you consider essential in your life.
Book of The Week: The Path To Financial Freedom
As you will know, I love reading, I see it as a key part of my growth. Such an easy way to learn new ways of thinking and filling my mind with useful information that I can take away and apply in my life, and ultimately improve.
One area that I love to read about is investing, so I really enjoyed reading ‘The Path to Financial Freedom’ eBook, by Joshua and Mia at Sky Garden Investments.
This book breaks down a plethora of investment and wealth accumulation strategies and the pros and cons of each. It covers everything from investing in Stocks to Forex and as a property investor myself, I personally really took value from the property section, reading about HMOs, which I currently operate, and Serviced Accommodation, which I am venturing into this year.
I really can’t recommend this book highly enough for anyone keen on how to create wealth and financial freedom.