Discover what career suits you best
A workplace simulation centre Bridging Minds and Experiences for better worklife collaboration
How to find the answer to what career is best for me?
Right from the childhood everyone talks of becoming something which they like or which amuses them.?But finally end up to become either doctor or engineer . Note that there are many professions around the world to opt for.
What career is right for me?
I understand everyone goes through the phase where each of us struggle to define and determine what career suits us??As a helpful guide for figuring out what career is right for you - The advice ranges from NOT following your “passion,” finding your “focal point,” and giving yourself quiz.
A. Don't follow Passion alone
when deciding on a career path, people focus only on their passion but not about the FIT?
Remember, passion alone won't make you to sit in a right career path?
In order to find the career that is right fit for you, you must know what you are.
What organization needs, what world needs and what you enjoy doing?
Personality Test:
Taking personality test can have a range of benefits for your professional development. It helps you to prepare for your next job interview, provides you the necessary insights to make the right career choice and is the basis to develop your leadership skills to the next level.
When individuals have a greater knowledge of their personality, they can discover careers and places that match their personality.?
The most popular personality tests includes:
1. Truity
2. HIGH5 Test
3. DiSC
4. HEXACO Model of Personality Structure Personality Inventory
5. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Career Advancement Tests:
When you are not sure about what type of job you want or what you would like to do next with your career, a career aptitude test can help you narrow down your job choices and choose a career path that is compatible with your interests, skills, values, and personality
The most popular personality tests includes
1. CareerOneStop’s Interest Assessment
2. CareerOneStop’s Work Values Matcher
3. CareerOneStop’s Skills Matcher
4. Keirsey Temperament Sorter Assessment
5. TestColor Test
B. Focal Point
When you’re wondering “what career is right for me?” it’s best to think about the intersection between what you’re good at, what organizations need done or what the world needs, and what you enjoy doing. The overlap between those three areas is your focal point, your career.?
Finding the right career is like searching for the focal spot intersection between what you enjoy doing, what you’re good at doing, and what the marketplace will pay for you to do. Without a bit from each area, the road to a fulfilling career is longer and harder.
In area 1 - What do you enjoy?
Do you like meeting new people, or would you rather work alone?
Does your heart pound when someone says, let’s get creative or when you hear, let’s find the bottom line numbers?
Is your day all about fresh air and movement, or do you live for the perfect computer workstation and online peers?
In area 2 – What do you do well?
Can you motivate a group to perform, even when circumstances are less than perfect?
Do you catch every little mistake and overlooked detail?
In area 3 – Is there any demand?
Are there any jobs advertisted for the one you are seeking for?
Are there any businesses similar to what you are planning?
Do people want what you’re offering enough to pay for it?
C. Ask people (and experts) who are already “in the field”
D. Turn your hobby into a career
E. Research
One of the most effective ways to tell if a career is right for you is to talk with people who are in that career. It is easier than ever to find people willing to give you advice and input about their careers – find influencers on LinkedIn and other social sites, blogs, or through old-fashioned face-to-face networking. Ask questions and see if that career path matches up with the things you value and want from your professional life.
References and further reading