Discover Sarasota: #1 BEST Beach in The USA - Day 9 of 30
Sunshine State Company
Full-service real estate brokerage geared towards the marketplace of the future
This article is a direct transcription of our YouTube video, the video is linked at the bottom.
Hey everyone. I am Adam Hancock, host of the Florida Relocation Guide and founder of the Sunshine State Company real estate brokerage. In this brand new video series, I'm going to walk you through what's unique, what is special, and overall amazing about the Sarasota, Florida, area. 30 days, 30 videos, every single morning, but that is not it. On day 31 live on YouTube, I am going to announce the winner of a Florida-inspired swag giveaway. The end of this video will show you the very simple way to get entered into that contest. You're not going to want to miss that without further ado, let's hop into today's topic.
Welcome to day number nine of our Discover SRQ series. And you can't mention Sarasota, Florida, without talking about Siesta Key. Siesta Key is a barrier island here, of one of our many barrier islands, and the one that I grew up the closest to, and it's a very, very special place as you divide it from other similar kind of places. So not only is this barrier island ranked number one in the United States, several lists, it's also been ranked, I believe, 10th or 11th in the entire world as far as beaches go. One of the most unique things is the quartz white sand, that folk lore of how that happened or whatever it may be, but you have sand that literally in a hundred degree day does not get hot to the touch. It's powdery, sugary kind of sand.
You also have a island that's about seven to eight miles end to end, and it hugs just six miles south of downtown Sarasota, which is great, but it also... You have the main Siesta Key Beach on the north side of the island, you have in the middle of the island, you have Crescent Beach, and then on the south end of the island, you have Turtle Beach, which is a little bit more residential feeling. So you have three beaches you have access to that cover one of the best parts of the mainland of Sarasota that it borders and then the shopping districts.
So where you're going to have here is you're going to have your prototypical vacation beach when you think of it. When you go to Siesta Key Village or Crescent Village, Siesta Key Village is the main one that's right next to the main beach, it is that very beachy, kind of locals local feeling island. You have Siesta Key Oyster Bar, you have the Daiquiri Deck, you have the Broken Egg restaurant, that breakfast place that Dick Vitale is high on. You have all these things, and it doesn't look like a Long Boat Key or like a Naples Beach, really. It looks very different, and it's what you want when you visit Florida. So anyway, there's many special things about Siesta Key, but that has to be on a list when you're talking about how to discover Sarasota and what's special.
Okay, we did it. We made it to the end of the video. Now let's talk giveaway. So I'm going to put a URL right here and the description box below. First thing, go there, enter your information. That's the quickest way to get entered into the contest. Multiple entries don't matter, so you don't have to worry about that. We're going to pick one name from the proverbial hat. The second thing is, you must be subscribed to this channel at the time of the drawing, so make sure you've done that. Day 31 live, we're going to pick one name from that hat. Thank you again for watching today's topic, and we'll see you tomorrow.