Discover the power of a Peaccce page
All brands now have to navigate a slew of social media pages... Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook - maybe Instagram - latterly TikTok! Wow. When you throw in your HQ's website - that's a lot of channels... But where to link each separate bio...hmmm. Should you send followers and users from Facebook to your website, other socials - or somewhere else? (Spoiler: Somewhere else.)
Social Bio Links... are a thing.
The concept is pretty simple - a gateway/hub to route followers between channels. Social bio link sites charge a few pounds a month, and offer influencers a routing for their profiles.
It gave us an idea...what if we customised this for insurance?
Peaccce Pages are bio links - but so much more!
For insurance - you now have the new updated Peaccce page, it is so much more than just a bio link. It's also embedded with a reviews module.
Our pages are the homes for providers on Peaccce. It's a free piece of digital real estate. In its simplest form, it contains the following... each of which have their own value.
Notable - is that the page has been "stripped" back, so that visitors do not see Peaccce up in lights - no, they see your provider brand.
Here's the lovely folks @Bequest.. a new insurtech startup - growing their feedback channels and brand. Also highlights how on-page feedback works, too...
Why are Peaccce pages better for your business?
If you consider how a social network makes money - it's glad to know you know a buyer... It means its adtech can help your competitors target them. Cutting through all the noise of social is hard enough - without the platform actively hijacking your followers... isn't it?
Peaccce pages are a new form of free and low maintenance social media for insurance. Every "follower" a provider gains on our platform has a smarter search experience, one that connects them both.
We make connections - we do so to reduce the friction and cost of buyers and providers meeting.
Book a demo, get your free Peaccce page, now.