Discover the power of a Peaccce page

Discover the power of a Peaccce page

All brands now have to navigate a slew of social media pages... Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook - maybe Instagram - latterly TikTok! Wow. When you throw in your HQ's website - that's a lot of channels... But where to link each separate bio...hmmm. Should you send followers and users from Facebook to your website, other socials - or somewhere else? (Spoiler: Somewhere else.)

Social Bio Links... are a thing.

The concept is pretty simple - a gateway/hub to route followers between channels. Social bio link sites charge a few pounds a month, and offer influencers a routing for their profiles.

It gave us an idea...what if we customised this for insurance?

Peaccce Pages are bio links - but so much more!

For insurance - you now have the new updated Peaccce page, it is so much more than just a bio link. It's also embedded with a reviews module.

Our pages are the homes for providers on Peaccce. It's a free piece of digital real estate. In its simplest form, it contains the following... each of which have their own value.

  1. Follow Button (we'll post an entire article on this separately!)
  2. Basic Bio - including social handles and website, and an FCA check!
  3. Analysed/Classified Reviews - from Star Review sites
  4. Native Review capability - buyers can review multiple providers in seconds
  5. Product Listings - unlimited, free linkbacks that appear in our search results

Notable - is that the page has been "stripped" back, so that visitors do not see Peaccce up in lights - no, they see your provider brand.

Here's the lovely folks @Bequest.. a new insurtech startup - growing their feedback channels and brand. Also highlights how on-page feedback works, too...

Why are Peaccce pages better for your business?

  • Link to it from your social profiles
  • Get on-page reviews, for free...
  • Showcase all your key links and product lines
  • Enjoy better air time with buyers connected to you...

If you consider how a social network makes money - it's glad to know you know a buyer... It means its adtech can help your competitors target them. Cutting through all the noise of social is hard enough - without the platform actively hijacking your followers... isn't it?

Peaccce pages are a new form of free and low maintenance social media for insurance. Every "follower" a provider gains on our platform has a smarter search experience, one that connects them both.

We make connections - we do so to reduce the friction and cost of buyers and providers meeting.

Book a demo, get your free Peaccce page, now.



