Discover More Time in Your Day Without Sacrificing ANY Pleasure!
Heidi Gruss, MEd, LPC, CMHIMP
Psychotherapist & Transformation Strategist Helping Leaders, Executives & Entrepreneurs Overcome Exhaustion to Step into their Brilliance | Speaker | Mentor | Creator of The Transformation Methodology?
Have you ever looked back on your week feeling exhausted yet wondering where all the time went because you didn't accomplish anything you meant to?
I know you wear many different hats, just like me, which means there's always something else to get done. Your attention is in high demand, and you'll burn out if you're not strategic about managing your time
I'm sharing my favorite questions to help you "check yourself so you don't wreck yourself" because I want you to keep succeeding in all your beautiful ways. True success means enjoying the process AND the end result.
The following questions are the solution to help you uncover that you?already have more time than you realize!
Are you spending more time thinking about doing the thing rather than just getting it done?
It's like asking my kids to brush their teeth before bed. They belly ache about it for 10 minutes, begging for more time to watch something on Netflix or finish a clay bead bracelet. Whereas in those 10 minutes, they could have gone into the bathroom, brushed their teeth, and gone back to whatever they were doing originally.??
Thinking about doing the thing doesn't actually get it done. Instead, think about how relieved you will feel once the task is completed.
Are you allocating your time to the wrong things?
Your time needs to go to your priorities. I call these your Must-Do's. These are the activities you will regret not getting done at the end of the day, and you'll look back on your day wishing you had managed your time differently.?
Think about what you tell people is most important to you. It might be your children and family, advancement in your career, or building a meaningful relationship with your partner/spouse. I care about all those things, but I have always believed my personal health is most important, because that's how I can offer my best self to all the other important people and goals I am working on.?
So while I would tell myself how important my health was, I started paying attention to the number of steps I took in a day, realizing that on the days I didn't work out, I would get about 3,000 steps. That's it - 3,000 steps for the entire day! And that was on a good day.
?A quick evaluation of my time revealed that I wasn't as active as I wanted to be because I planned my workout for later in the day, making it too easy to not follow through. If I wasn't getting stuck at the office or picking up my girls from dance later than usual, I was overseeing homework or getting stuck on FaceTime calls. I had to accept that my schedule wasn't working for me.?
The solution was to prioritize my workouts by moving them to the morning, and since that simple shift, there is rarely a day it doesn't get done.?
Are you giving yourself more time than the task really requires?
When you give yourself an hour to do something, you typically take the entire hour. The same is true if you've cleared your day to complete a big project. It will take you the whole day to get it done. You're more likely to give in to distractions because you believe you have more than enough time.?
So - do you really need the whole day? Or do you just need to turn your phone off, put your head down, and get it down in 30 minutes??
Do you renegotiate your plans to do what you?want?instead of what you NEED?
If I had a nickel for every time I hear stories of people giving in to an enticing offer rather than following through with a task
When this happens, there's usually an intention of making up for abandoning the original plan by doubling up in some way in the future. You promise you will work an extra couple of hours on the weekend or work out twice as long the following day. But when the time comes to follow through with the makeup plan, the motivation has fizzled.
The strategy we discuss in my group program, The Transformation Elevation, is using our pleasure moments as motivation to prioritize focused work BEFORE participating in the fun. For example, accepting the invite to meet your girlfriend for a glass of wine when your original plan was to write your business plan in pursuit of your next career advancement, means prioritizing one hour of focused, productive work on the business plan?before?meeting your girlfriend. That way, you honor your commitment to yourself without sacrificing any pleasure. You can fully enjoy your time with your girlfriend without the nagging reminder of the business plan awaiting your attention.
Ultimately, it's as easy to talk yourself into doing something as it is to talk yourself out of doing it.
Helping you learn how to make simple shifts in managing your time is a high value in The Transformation Elevation program. Once you've mastered this skill, you never feel like your goals are hanging over your head. Can you imagine what your life would look like if you were in control of your time and commitments??
As a licensed Psychotherapist and transformation strategist, I am convinced you have the power to live fulfilled, without the threat of negative behavior patterns sabotaging opportunities for success in your life and your business.
However you define success for yourself, it is yours to claim. I help my coaching clients step into their brilliance once and for all.
I deliver long-term transformation by using my proven method for unearthing and addressing limiting beliefs and habits
I developed the?Elevate Your Mindset Workbook?to give you a near-instant win and transformation in your daily habits. I hope you'll download your copy today!