Discover Me for Good
Carlos Cymerman
Recruiting for Good...Helping Companies Find Talented Professionals For Sweet Jobs & Fund Sweet Causes to Party for GOOD! #LandaSweetJob #PartyforGood @RecruitingforGood
One of the sweetest gigs, I ever created was for creative talented girls to design their own collage of everything they love! And earn a $100 gift card. "Discover Me for Good!"
Discover Me for Good is a creative coming of age gig for 5th and 6th Grade Girls to design their love collage; memorialize what they are most passionate about. Girls learn to appreciate, discover, and express the beauty that exists within themselves...honor their contribution, feelings, and uniqueness.
"I give very little or no direction at all. Just create the board as it describes your life and everything you love!" Carlos Founder, Recruiting for Good, Girls Design Tomorrow, and The Sweetest Gigs
The Fashion Games.LA
Bringing back "Discover Me for Good" in July. If you live in LA, and have a sweet 5th grade daughter stay tuned to learn how she can land the sweet creative gig; and earn LA's Sweetest Treats.
Love teaching kids..."A fulfilling life is a competition with yourself to accomplish everything you want!" Carlos Founder, Recruiting for Good, Girls Design Tomorrow, and The Sweetest Gigs