Discover the latest and greatest | May 2024
We’ve launched the Klave Marketplace, consisting of Web3 inspired templates for the digital asset ecosystem, including KlaveUTXO, Klave Wallet and KRC20.
With just a few clicks, developers can effortlessly build apps by using our collection of pre-built templates.
Try it out for yourself:
Cloud Security
Recent findings by ETH Zurich on hypervisor-based confidential VMs don’t affect us. Klaveuses IntelSGX, and is not hypervisor dependent. We run third-party business logic in WebAssemly enclaves, providing extra isolation, further securing data and processing. Another benefit is that you’re not vendor-locked and can deploy your confidential computing services wherever you want to.
For the full article click here.
Klave release?
We have been active on the release front and deployed with the latest Klave version:
New WebAssembly engine:
We have transitioned to Wasmtime for the WebAssembly engine, which offers better performance and compatibility with the Wasm Component Model.
Wasm Component Model Integration:
Laying the foundation for an improved developer experience, polyglot app-to-app communication and opening up exciting possibilities for developing and deploying components in various languages.
Enhanced Cryptographic Keys Management:
We've introduced a user-friendly way to manage cryptographic keys, improving the ability to import/export keys and safeguard them effortlessly within Klave.
Rust App Deployment Tools on the Horizon:
Stay tuned as we prepare the tools necessary to bootstrap and deploy Rust apps on Klave. Exciting developments are just around the corner!
Meet us!
Events attended in April:
Connected North (22-23 April 2024) - Trade show to uncover the capabilities of Klave and connect with national and international prospective clients, partners and investors.
Tech4Trust Zurich Roadshow (29 April 2024) – Our CEO, Bertrand Foing, participated in a panel discussion around cloud security and ensuring data protection in a hybrid-on premises/cloud environment.
Upcoming events:
BIS Innovation Summit 2024: Navigating rapid innovation?(6-8 May 2024) - Summit to discuss the rapid acceleration of technological innovation and ripple effects on the financial sector and central banks.
We’ll be attending lots more events soon. Keep an eye on our website for regular updates!
Feel free to browse our resources to get into the nitty gritty of our solution.
Give us a ping on Discord if you have any questions.
If you’re interested in working with us, please email: [email protected]
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