Discover How To Make More Sales Attract More Clients With Mass Persuasion. Check these 5 action principles!!!
rickey johnson
visit Subject Matter Expert on Multi-Cultural Economic Development, Income Protection Specialist using Proven Financial Strategies & Services, Customer Acquisition Retention Expert
Hello Community, I completely enjoy sharing business building information with you!!! Check these principles out and put them to use. please click here for more into
The power of persuasion is usually the only thing that separates successful business owners from everyone else.
For more than 60 years, researchers have been studying
the factors that influence our decision to say “yes.” There is
no doubt that there is a specific science to how we are
persuaded to do anything, and a lot of that science is
The power of persuasion is usually the only thing that
separates successful business owners from everyone else.
The art of persuasion is nothing more than being able to
fight off the natural skepticism that most people have,
overcome their objections, and present your business as
being better than the next competitor, while gently inspiring
the potential customers into acting.
Simple right?
When you understand the main principles
behind persuasion, getting customers to buy from you
becomes an easy process.
The ability to persuade potential customers to buy from you
is one of the most important skills you can have as a
business owner if you want to be successful.
When it comes to successfully persuading customers to buy
your products or services, there are five powerful techniques
that you can use that are based on Robert Cialdini's,
principles of persuasion.
As a business owner, you can effectively harness the power
behind the psychology of selling and use these techniques
to sell more products.
Principle One – Reciprocity
In sales psychology, the law of reciprocity means that when
someone gives us something, we have the strong
compulsion to give something back in return. If you are
invited to dinner by a friend, there’s an obligation for you to
ask them to dinner in the future.
People are hard-wired this way. The key to successfully
utilizing the principle of reciprocity is to be the first to give
and ensure that what you offer is both personalized and
When it comes to getting potential customers to buy your
products or services, you can make the principle of
reciprocity work for you by providing customers with a free
gift when they make a purchase.
While you may not be able to offer customers something in
advance, you can offer something along with their purchase.
Providing value-added content to your potential customers
is also an effective way for online retailers to initiate
Providing customers, a free e-book, webinars, and other
forms of free content will lead to feelings that result in your
customers engaging in reciprocity.
Whether you give away a guide for how to make the perfect
vinaigrette dressing or provide customers with an exclusive
author interview, use value-added content as an ethical
bribe that makes your customers grateful toward your
Principle Two – Commitment and Consistency
People like to be consistent, not only in their daily activities
but in the things that they have previously said and done. As
it relates to selling, the principle of commitment and
consistency says that people will go to substantial lengths to
appear consistent in their actions and words, even to the
extent of participating in activities that are irrational.
That’s why, when you are trying to make a change in your
life, like losing weight, you should share your goal with
Once you've taken the step to commit to your goal publicly,
you'll have more incentive to keep up with your end of the
As a business owner, understanding the psychology of
buying and can get your customers to make a small
commitment to your company, like, for instance, signing up
for your email newsletter, they will be more likely to
purchase from you down the road.
And, if you can get your products in their hands, even if they
are obligated to buy them, your chances of them buying
increase even more.
Business owners can apply the commitment and
consistency principle to their return policy. If you provide a
"no questions asked"return policy, according to a study
conducted by Narvar, three-quarters of consumers said
they'd be more likely to buy from the company.
This is because there is less friction to buy because they
know that if they don't like it, they can quickly return it.
Principle Three – Scarcity
The third principle of persuasion, scarcity, plays on our
desire to want more of the things they can have less of.
When it comes to effectively persuading people using the
scarcity principle, the science is clear.
It isn't enough to merely tell people of what they'll gain if
they purchase your product or service, you also need to
point out why it is unique and what they will lose if they don't
choose to buy from you.
Announcing scarcity will only get you half of the way, you
also need to be sure to give your audience enough
information to be able to act on the opportunity.
Business can take advantage of the idea that people are
motivated by the thought that they might miss out in many
ways. When your products are on sale, add a countdown
timer that shows how long the product will be available at
the sale price.
If you have items that are being discontinued, highlight the
fact, so interested customers don't miss out.
A great example of the scarcity principle in action is when
restaurants bring in seasonal or limited products, like the
Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte, or the Shamrock Shake
from McDonald's.
When customers know that the supply is limited, it motivates
them and creates excitement around the exclusivity.
Principle Four – Authority
The principle of authority is the idea that people will follow
the lead of credible, knowledgeable experts. Before making
your influential attempt to persuade, it is essential for you to
signal to others, in some way, what makes you a credible,
knowledgeable authority.
While you can’t just go around telling potential customers
how knowledgeable you are, you can arrange for someone
else to do it.
By evoking something familiar, like an industry expert,
celebrity, or even a memory, people will believe that your
brand possesses similar qualities to that familiar entity.
Since they've already established expertise in the field, it
can significantly benefit from associating your brand with
them, resulting in you inheriting your own sense of authority.
You can take advantage of the principle of authority
through expert creation, expert curation, or expert
Each of these techniques will show your customers that you
are an authority in the industry and will help you sell more
Principle Five – Liking
The principle of liking utilizes the fact that we are more likely
to say yes to a request if we feel a connection to the person
making the request. In other words, people prefer to say yes
to people they like.
The science behind this tells us that there are three critical
factors that cause one person to like another.
? First, we tend to like those that are similar to us.
? Next, we like people who pay us compliments.
? And lastly, we like those who cooperate with us to
achieve mutual goals.
This is one of the main reasons why brands hire celebrities
to endorse their products. They are hoping that you will
transfer your love of the personality to the product they are
recommending. There are a lot of ways that you can make
this principle work for you and your business.
To start with, you need to include your story on your
website. Every element of your store contributes to your
brand. Your goal needs to be to create a personality that
your target customer will like.
If you are in the business of selling jewelry or clothing, be
sure to use models that are relatable and that your target
customer will identify with and like.
You should also include all your social links on your product
pages because people are more likely to purchase a
product that has been recommended by someone they trust.
You want to make it as easy as possible for your customers
to tell their friends about the products they found on your
Finally, display the items that others are interested in on the
product page. Amazon is famous for doing this. They
provide their customers with a quick connection with other
buyers based solely on their commonality.
Amazon routinely practices the principle of liking by
displaying the other products that customers frequently
purchased together, as well as sharing the other products
customers researched during the buying process.
These five principles of persuasion provide businesses with
additional ways to impact a customer's perceived risk. To
fully take advantage of and find success in using these
techniques, it is essential that they be effectively used
throughout your digital marketing campaign.
From your site's landing page to your branding, to your
social interaction, the principles of persuasion can go a long
way to helping you gain more customers and persuade
them to buy.
Now that you know how to apply these principles of
persuasion to your marketing efforts correctly, you'll be able
to generate a substantial boost in your conversion rates and
sell more products
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