Discover a different way of experiencing Genius
Genius is more of an experience than a status. That must be why there’s no Universities that give degrees in ‘genius.’ So if it is an experience, then how do we experience it or as you say, ‘access’ it? Genius is a natural state of mind, we were born for it. The challenge we have is not in creating it, but in getting back to it. Our problem as adults is that we have too many things on our mind, we have too many things going on in the back of our mind. We need to ‘Lose our mind and come back to our senses’ so that we can be present and enter that zone of focus and flow.
Suppose I told you that you were born for genius, that everyone right now was born for genius? Have you ever noticed how little children can get so lost in a toy or game as they play and become so engaged in that activity that you have to almost shout or tap them on the shoulder to get their attention? If genius is being all there, then that child is in a genius state of full engagement, of one mind —single-minded about that activity. They are of one mind about something and because they are not splitting their awareness, but focusing it, they have a laser-beam focus and that’s what makes them so present, so engaged, so much in the zone. They get in the zone and are able to stop all the mind-chatter so they aren’t disturbed by the things going on around them. So how would you like to be able to switch that genius state of flow on and off at will? How would you like to be able to step into it and step out of it and to do so whenever you want to? Develop your innate potential in Accessing Personal Genius. 15-17th Jan 2021 at The Coaching Centre - Australia