Discover the Book Preachers & Followers of Christianity, Judaism & Islam Hate but those Called to be the Lord's Chosen & Bride in God's Kingdom Love.
Jorge Mata Torres
Who's Who Member | Outstanding Young Men of America | National Honor Society | International University Professor | PhD Humane Letters | MBA International Trade | BS Communications | London College | University of Texas
Discover the Revealed Scriptures, Prophecies, Facts & Truths of The Lord Hidden for 2,000 years by Christianity, Judaism & Islam That God Wants You to Know Because It Will Get You Right With Him, Bless Your Life Abundantly & Reveal His Keys to Heaven 100% Guaranteed Because It's the One, Same, Tested & Proven Way Proclaimed by the Lord of the Hebrew Old Testament & Greek New Testament.
MEET THE LORD: Introducing the REAL Lord of the Bible & His TRUE Eternal Word