Discover 7 Efficient Strategies To Manage Anxiety At Work

Discover 7 Efficient Strategies To Manage Anxiety At Work

Anxiety and anxiety disorders are terms used to describe a range of mental health conditions that are characterized by excessive restlessness, worry or nervousness and empowered by fear.

Focusing on anxiety for this year's #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek in the UK is aimed to increase people's awareness and understanding of?anxiety?and providing information on preventing anxiety.

Why it matters?

In the UK, over 8 million people are experiencing an anxiety disorder at any one time (source: Mental Health UK).?

Up to 73% of people feel anxious and experience different forms of anxiety (see the graph).

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Source: Mental Health Foundation

This graph is itself worrisome. However, there is a big difference between anxiousness, anxiety and anxiety disorders.

I opened up those differences in a new blog and propose 7 efficient strategies to manage anxiety.

?? Click to read the full blog post ??


???Don't let this week pass you without improving yourself:

?? Discover systematic and easy-to-use intrapersonal education powerful enough to support excellent mind health for you and your team:?

?? Benefit from free mental wellness resources:?


