Discover 68 actionable tips used by world-class performers
Subhashis Banerji
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You will read and learn about the following – in this article
-68 Tips on How to Deliver Peak Performance at World-Class Levels
-14 Tips How to Increase your confidence BY DOING THESE BASIC TENETS of Success
-27 Ways HOW Global Level CHAMPIONS Bounce-Back FROM SETBACKS – Mindset and Action-Steps
-3 rules to imbibe in your psyche When you are chasing a real big-dream – all these three rules are cyclic
-20 SIGNS to Know - When you ARE approaching the risk of burnout, OVEREXERTION and OVERTRAINING
-10 ways to apply the Peak-End concept in – all aspects of your life, profession, social, and work
Tips for Consistent Optimum Performance & Productivity
A grand fallacy about peak performance is Maximum effort yields maximum results.
Contrary to this popular belief – the ultimate peak performance happens- when you are maintaining a comfortable, steady and uniform levels of performance 80% of the time.
Then - in the knockout or sudden-death phase you DELIVER A JAW-DROPPING superlative PEAK PERFORMANCE OF GLOBAL STANDARDS -TO WIN.
This PEAK PERFORMANCE could happen anywhere – in a competition or in a job interview or in any SITUATION OF GREATEST IMPORTANCE to you.
Delivering PEAK PERFORMANCE in the final stages - is also called clutch performance – where someone performs at his/her best under tremendous pressure of expectations in the most crucial moments – usually happens at the outcome-deciding time.
On The other hand - Many athletes as well as individuals CHOKE in their most crucial deciding final big moments – under high-pressure conditions.
You need to have – emotional, intellectual, mental as well as physical fitness & toughness - to be a world-class performer.
Mental fitness is the ability to make the best of a challenging situation.
Examples of a few challenging and tough situations in the best-case scenario could be -experiencing extreme pain and agony during your hard training and workout or competing with people who are seemingly superior to you and as per the prevailing common perception are expected to win.
Examples of worst-case scenario challenging situations could be -bouncing back from – say - injury, illness, aging, overtraining, a bad workout, a bad performance, burnout, stagnating fitness, life stress, time pressure, weather—the list goes on.
You can create matching situations involving similar for your job, profession, business.
I have used phrases and given many examples - from the athletics & sports world – BUT - ALMOST ALL OF THOSE can be implemented successfully in your all areas of life to deliver a great performance in your most crucial moments.
27 Ways HOW Global Level CHAMPIONS Bounce-Back FROM SETBACKS – Mindset and Action-Steps
1.?? ?Champions make the very best of the very worst situations – they face and accept their current reality
2.?? ?Champions know that facing difficult realities is one of the toughest struggles that any athlete or any individual may face – that is what enables them to take the right actions and create effective changes
3.?? ?Exercise scientists have discovered an 80/20 rule for intensity distribution – where you do 80 percent of weekly training time at low intensity and 20 percent at moderate to high intensity – this principle works equally effectively for both mental and physical fitness.
4.?? ?One of the major mistakes people make is to - compare their current situation [where say you are out of shape or without the requisite skills to deal with the current challenging situation] WITH the time they were at peak and on top of their world [when not only you were fitter but also had the most important skills and the mindset].
5.??? ?The world-class champions understand that – if they are diligent - training, upskilling, learning, practicing, and sharpening their capabilities they are getting fitter and becoming more competent
6.??? ?Champions know that their setback puts them way below their earlier performance and capabilities AND might make their skills redundant and obsolete – so they look for the right methods and tools to upgrade
7.??? ?Although most of us want to reach our peak performance levels quickly – the worst mistake that you can make is doing too much through brute force alone – which as an athlete might cause physical damage or might burn you out as an individual faster – champions understand this fully well AND follow scientific and medically advised ways
8.?? ??To bounce back and regain a world-class performance level – you need a plan of execution that involves all of these – crystal clear timeline-based goals and milestones, sharp focused practice, consistency, and discipline – after this, you also must consolidate -and then raise the bar progressively on a small incremental level.
9.?? ?Initially you may find that progress is too slow – AND you may feel impatient that you can do much more BUT – focus on ensuring that whatever higher level of performance you have reached – to make it your subconscious comfort level and that what is consolidation.
10.??????????????? ?The research shows that when you push yourself beyond your comfort zones into the realms of uncertainty, chaos, fear, complex and ambiguous – your real growth takes place.
11.??????????????? ?But when it comes to learning faster, retaining longer and applying effectively whatever you have learned – and delivering performance at excellence levels consistently – it is proven by the greatest of all time athletes – that when you operate in a relaxed comfortable manner both at physical and mental level - while enjoying your actions - YOUR SUPERLATIVE PEAK PERFORMANCE HAPPENS.
12.??????????????? ??The most innovation comes by working in a focused manner without pressure.
13.??????????????? ?The most effective learning – even in the rote-learning education system – happens when you are relaxed and not pressurizing yourself to remember.
14.??????????????? ?In strategic decision making TOO – the best decisions happen when you take actions based on analysis of options available and testing your judgement real-time – and you do this by thoroughly identifying the options and then choosing the best possibilities in a relaxed manner.
15.??????????????? ?Decision-making is about strategic thinking and is about exploring and understanding the situation or problem without making any decision - for a major part of time in your hand [say about 1/3rd of the time available].
16.??????????????? ?Operating at 100% effort all the time will result in less-optimal results and outputs - leading to your or your team getting burnout ultimately - Over trying leads to underperforming.
17.??????????????? ?The legendary Carl Lewis, who won 9 Olympic Gold Medals - operated in HIS comfort level while taking part in any significant competition.
18.??????????????? ?Initially people used to wonder how he could remain in last or second last in initial 40-50 meters and then win 100-meter sprint by coming to the top in the last 30 meters. Studies done on him -showed that he maintained the same breathing and muscle work throughout -whereas others were pushing themselves initially and getting exhausted in the later rounds.
19.??????????????? ?Some of the fastest athletes in the world like Usain Bolt – need to perform for only short bursts of time – still he maintained a relaxed posture before, during and after the event is over.
20.??????????????? ?High performers experience a unique Performance paradox – a world-class athlete must be both alert but physically relaxed, intensely focused but fully in control, their movements strong but smooth
21.??????????????? ?This performance paradox happens – even during negotiations, high level presentations, and during the final act of closing a big deal.
22.??????????????? ?Super achievers agree – when you are performing comfortably on the average performance levels [Not too hard - Not too easy levels] of your current abilities consistently–– you not only deliver a memorable jaw-dropping performance but also experience peak motivation
23.??????????????? ??High achievers also understand that becoming great at your craft doesn’t happen by accident. It requires time, consistency, hard work, and dedication and sharpening of your physical, emotional, and mental strength – through continuous practice.
24.??????????????? ?People with high success-orientation may find it very challenging, at least mentally - to make themselves operate to less than their full capacity.
25.??????????????? ?You need to realize that -Going full-throttle all the time - works against you.
26.??????????????? ?When you operate at full throttle and try to maintain the level of excellence in whatever you are supposed to deliver – the quality of your performance will go down drastically in later phases.
27.??????????????? ?All the consistently superlative performers have acquired the habit of mind relaxed and body comfortable and being emotionally calm – through practice - YES – they keep raising their levels of operating within their comfort levels.
20 SIGNS to Know - When you ARE approaching the risk of burnout, OVEREXERTION, and OVERTRAINING
1.?? ?UNDERSTAND that - OVERTRAINING and OVEREXERTION, Overtraining doesn’t happen over days - it happens over months -often when there are additional stressors. Overtraining syndrome affects multiple systems in the body – like your cognitive, emotional, and nervous systems, as well as physically and this can also release stress-related chemicals that interfere with your body’s ability to recover and build strength and power
2.?? ?Pressure is not always bad – all of us need some pressure to perform at our best – AND none of us could enjoy the full thrill and exhilaration of competition and joy of winning without pressure
3.??? ?Learn to be aware of the pattern in your PERFORMANCE drop
4.??? ?Pay attention to the phases where you are putting in greater efforts, training hard, working harder -BUT – your performance is not improving
5.?? ?Know when you are overextending yourself - are over-scheduled and over-committed
6.?? ?Be aware when the FATIGUE is CONTINUOUS AND you NOTICE EXHAUSTION – immediately become alert when you experience the symptoms like – inability to concentrate, DOZING-off, feeling DEMOTIVATED
7.?? ?Notice WHEN you are having INCREASED FREQUENCY OF INJURY or a recurring injury or poor recovery from minor injuries ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE going through cycles of injuries-recovery-play-injury, that may be a signal of a larger issue with overtraining
8.??? ?Be AWARE if you have STARTED having an INCREASED FREQUENCY OF ILLNESS – for no apparent reasons
9.?? ?Notice if you Have become Moody & are having frequent mood swings & YOUR NORMAL BEHAVIOR has undergone a change
10.??????????????? ?Notice when YOU find that practicing, playing, or doing – is no more pleasurable or inspiring & motivating to you
11.??????????????? ??Be aware IF YOU Are doing this only TO PLEASE SOMEONE or to earn money
12.??????????????? ??Be aware when you start having the feelings of wanting to do something else
13.??????????????? ??Know when You start training, practicing, and performing - mostly on auto-pilot
14.??????????????? ??Know when YOU START Feeling Anxious – more often about your performance
15.??????????????? ?Know when YOU ARE FACING DISCRIMINATION – and that is bringing in you a feeling of hopelessness
16.?????????????????????? ??Be aware of the time– you did not go for the kill – which you were capable of -You felt that you Missed an Opportunity in Competition
17.??????????????? ??Be aware of the time You missed a potential game-winning shot?
18.??????????????? ??Be aware of the time You had a clumsy fall during a major competition
19.??????????????? ?Be aware about the time You had a false start?
20.??????????????? ?Be aware of the time You made a game-ending mistake against your biggest rival
68 Tips on How to Deliver Peak Performance at World Class Levels – please read my 100+ BLOG ON MENTAL, PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL FITNESS AMONG MY 900+ ARTICLES ON MY TWO WEBSITES – to know about the simple do-it-yourself tips
1.?? ?Figure out what should be the minimum average performance level that you need to maintain to deliver the best and to be the best – then practice and make that to be your normal comfort level.
2.?? ?Find ways to remember to slow-down to enjoy the run by relaxing – especially during your practice phases – and then slowly raise your bar across with very-very small incremental increase.
3.?? ?In business, professional and personal areas - For best solutions – you need to identify and reject the first initial and obvious solutions [while at brainstorming stage] – once you have exhausted the apparent choices AND then push for non-conventional, innovative strategies and possibilities – the miracle happens.
4.?? ?Find and apply a precise rule to complex and ambiguous situations and problems – It is also about not getting swayed by a very good option especially in dire need BUT to hold it for some time to explore and identify whether a more effective solution or choice along with information gathering.
5.?? ?The trick to great decision making is create a fine balance between - identifying, coming to an informed decision and executing your decision by pilot-testing it first to fix the deficiencies -Yes BUT in the cases where you have to take urgent and critical decisions or choose in the matters of the heart – it would be difficult to follow these suggestions – not because they won’t work BUT because of your own inner emotional struggles or when cupid strikes.
6.?? ?If you have a pattern of making- decisions in haste and regret later -You also need to become a discerning person – so that you know when a superior option presents itself to you – you are able to value-judge it
7.?? ?To become a discerning person - Understand what is most important for you – learn to recognize fallacies - ?READ MY BLOG ON FALLACIES– A few examples of common Fallacies - Real Luxury is not Yachts, Watches, Mansions, Cars, Aircrafts - The real Luxury is laughter and friends, luxury is rain on your face, luxury is hugs and kisses -Luxury is being loved by people, luxury is being respected, luxury is having parents alive, luxury is being able to play with your grandchildren, luxury is what money can't buy
8.??? ?3 rules to imbibe in your psyche When you are chasing a real big-dream – all these three rules are cyclic
???? I.??????? ??You need to feel awed with those role-model people who are far better than you in a specific area AND you can notice their strengths – THEN you use this feeling of awe to find ways to bring your performance to your role-models levels in that specific strength area
??? II.??????? ??You need to feel great another one-third of your time – this is when you have imbibed the mindset, the practices, and the qualities that your role models have, and you can see the significant improvement in your own performance
? III.??????? ??You also need to feel that YOU have greater potential, and you are not utilizing it – this is the time WHEN you Raise the bar for yourself
9.?? ?Acquire the skills of being in FLOW during most significant moments like competition or so. Being in Flow – is having the positive mental state of being completely absorbed, focused, and involved in your activities PLUS deriving enjoyment from being engaged in that activity
10.??????????????? ?Learn to be aware and recognize the early warning signs of tension -then replace this with the sensations of relaxation – using tricks, techniques, and tools [these could be rituals of emotional, mental, and physical nature – MASTERED THROUGH PRACTICE DURING YOUR TRAINING SESSIONS]
11.??????????????? ?Learn the most effective ways to relax your muscles – try out different methods and then choose the combination that works best for you AND can be initiated & applied instantly, subconsciously, and automatically
12.??????????????? ?Similarly learn, practice, and master effective techniques of Mind and Body Relaxation – you can use the mix of breathing linked with visualization
13.??????????????? ?Observe and record your performance – you may Time your rounds -Speed up the movements that make you excel and slow down those movements that give you trouble
14.??????????????? ?For physical fitness - Use aerobic and cardio training for 30 minutes each session - to reach and maintain your target heart rate
15.??????????????? ?Do strength training to increase muscles, and bone density, and reduce the signs and symptoms of many diseases and age-related conditions
16.??????????????? ?Get proper nutrition (i.e. eliminate sugars and bad fats) and caloric intake
17.??????????????? ?Avoid toxins (i.e. pesticides used in foods, processed foods, alcohol, chemicals, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, air pollution, microwaving food in plastic containers
18.??????????????? ?Identify your Bad Habits – replace these with resourceful and conducive ones
19.??????????????? ?Ensure to have a balance of practicing to raise your performance levels with consolidating what you have acquired in newer skills and habits
20.??????????????? ??Choose a target that gives you a mixture of success and failure – because If you are always successful – it will be hard for you to know what to improve AND If you constantly fail - you may not be able to identify what works and what does not for you
21.??????????????? ?Go through grueling practice sessions, training sessions, or workouts – put extraordinary levels of effort into improvement in your performances to achieve incredible results – so that in actual scenarios you have developed to reach a level to excel
22.??????????????? ?Please remember that Intensity, force, or stress can never override the form, technique, habits, and flow-mechanisms that come from years of disciplined practice
23.?????????????????????? ?Only when you have done practice which even the best in the world would envy – you can be cool and collected during the actual competitive scenario
24.??????????????? ?Avoid feeling rushed, forced, or under too much pressure,?and find a balance between - intensity, focus, and relax -Keep your form, optimize your systems, and?aim for 85% expenditure of energy,
25.??????????????? ??Peak performance is more about our mental models - Intense Practice PLUS acquiring the mindset, feelings and sensations, energy, and comfort levels of world-class athlete
26.?????????????????????? Create a laser focus for achievements of your crystal-clear goals – learn how to black-out all distractions.
27.??????????????? ?Learn, practice, master & Apply the Peak–End Rule – by designing and using the NLP’s Visualization and Anchoring technique to have your most exhilarating moments released through a self-trigger of cognition and emotion nature – use the following steps
28.??????????????? ?Anchor all your superlative and intense performance peaks moments – your most successful moments, your proudest moments, your happiest moments, your feeling at the top of the world moments
29.??????????????? ?Use NLP’s future-pacing technique using Visualizing your upcoming important performance event – seeing yourself performing at the winning level comfortably
30.??????????????? ?While anchoring and future-pacing Focus on the details of BOTH the past event and the future events – to experience and feel the highest levels of thrill and Elevation, Pride, and train yourself to use the pressure-causing elements like - expectations of the crowd OR your loved—ones or even the jealousy of your competitors to - boost you powerfully emotionally, mentally as well as physically
31.?????????????????????? ??10 ways to apply this peak end concept in – all aspects of your life, profession, social, and work
Read the remaining article as per the following details
This article was originally published as “DISCOVER 68 POWERFUL STRATEGIES to ACHIEVE PEAK PERFORMANCE in ANY FIELD ?“ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life - personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships - please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]
#overtrainingsymptoms, #worldclassperformancetips, #peakperformancestrategies, #howtoachievepeakperformance, #eliteathletetrainingmethods, #improvepeakperformanceforathletes, #howtoovercomementalsetbacksafterfailure, #cyclicalgoalsettingforbigdreamachievement, #signsofovertrainingandburnoutrecoverytips, #applyingthepeakendruleineverydaylife, #howtodeliverpeakperformanceatworldclasslevels, #basictenetsofsuccess, #howtobecomegloballevelchampion, #howchampionsbouncebackfromsetbacks&failues, #signsofburnoutOVEREXERTION&OVERTRAINING