Discover 6 ways the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme can benefit your business.
Itec Skills and Employment
One of Wales' leading training providers, supporting both learners and employers.
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The Jobs Growth Wales+ programme is an initiative by the Welsh Government aimed at supporting young people and employers across Wales. The primary goal is to help young individuals (ages 16-19) gain meaningful work experience and develop their careers, while also assisting businesses in growing their workforce with skilled employees.
1. Access to a Talented Workforce
The programme provides access to motivated and eager young individuals who are ready to enter the job market. This talent pool can bring fresh ideas, new perspectives, and a strong work ethic to your business.
2. Reduced Recruitment and Training Costs
The programme ensures that young workers are supported in gaining relevant skills that align with the employer’s needs. On the Employability Strand of the JGW+ programme, employers receive a financial subsidy, meaning businesses can reduce the costs associated with recruiting and training new employees.
3. Business Growth and Increased Productivity
By offering experience or hiring new talent with Jobs Growth Wales+, businesses can improve their overall productivity and growth potential. Young workers are often enthusiastic and eager to make a positive impact, which can drive innovation and efficiency within your company.
4. Long-Term Employee Retention
While the initial phase of the programme is for supporting local young people, it can lead to long-term benefits such as employee retention. By investing in a young worker’s career development, you have the opportunity to create a loyal employee who may choose to stay with your business long term.
5. Positive Impact on Community and Reputation
Participating in the Jobs Growth Wales programme can enhance your company’s reputation by demonstrating that you’re committed to supporting local communities and providing opportunities for young people. This can help build goodwill with customers and stakeholders.
6. Diversity and Fresh Ideas
Welcoming young people into your workforce can bring diversity and introduce fresh ideas and perspectives. This can create a more dynamic work environment and encourage innovative thinking that benefits your business’s development and problem-solving capabilities.
Find out more about Jobs Growth Wales+ for employers. ?
Case Study
Steel Town Coffee Company: Investing in Young People for a Stronger Future
Ryan Morgan is a thriving entrepreneur, owning two sunbed salons, a barber shop, and Steel Town Coffee Company in Port Talbot. His journey is one of resilience and hard work, and he’s now committed to inspiring young adults to break through their own barriers and?realise?their full potential.
Partnering with Itec's Jobs Growth Wales+?programme?was a natural fit for Ryan's mission. Itec’s team of dedicated employability officers collaborate with local businesses to create opportunities for young people, helping them gain valuable workplace experience and embark on rewarding careers. For employers, offering work experience can bring fresh passion and momentum into the business as well as inspiring young local talent pools and workforces for employment in the future.
Ryan has offered three of Itec's Jobs Growth Wales+ learners the opportunity to complete placements at Steel Town Coffee Company, where they not only gain hands-on experience in a dynamic work environment but also benefit from his mentorship, guidance, and invaluable insights into running a successful business. He said, "I enjoy supporting my community by giving youngsters a chance to gain employment".
The Jobs Growth Wales+ Learners
Maddison joined Itec's Jobs Growth Wales+?programme?in August 2024, driven by a desire to build her skills and expand her career prospects.?Recognising?the value of hands-on experience, she set sights on a hospitality placement to help achieve her goals. Through her placement at Steel Town Coffee, Maddison is actively working towards completing her Level 1 Hospitality qualification with Itec, gaining practical expertise and invaluable industry insights along the way.?
Daniel Marc Jones?
Daniel?recognised?that a fast-paced, hands-on work environment was exactly what he needed to take the next step in his career journey. Excited by the opportunity, he eagerly pursued a work placement at Steel Town Coffee, a thriving local business conveniently located near his home. With a keen interest in exploring the hospitality industry, Daniel saw this as the perfect chance to gain valuable experience and determine if it was the right fit for him. Under Ryan's guidance and mentorship, he has been thoroughly enjoying his placement and shares:?"I love having a mentor like Ryan to look up too."??
Kabu Steed-Forsyth?
Kabu's journey with Ryan and Steel Town Coffee has been incredibly positive. After several weeks of valuable work experience, she was offered employment shortly after her 20th birthday. This highlights Ryan's dedication to fostering supportive and lasting workplace opportunities for young people.?
Ruth Sainsbury, Itec's Employability Officer Team Leader shares the positive impact of working of employers like Ryan,?"It is great to be able to find supportive employers like Ryan who has welcomed our learners and is able to support them as a mentor.? This is impactful to our learners and to the Port Talbot community.? Ryan understands the barriers young adults face in the community, and he is willing to guide them where possible and provide employment opportunities. Thank you, Ryan."?
Itec Skills and Employment extends heartfelt thanks to Ryan for his unwavering dedication to supporting our mission of transforming lives for the better.?
Darganfyddwch 6 ffordd y gall rhaglen Twf Swyddi Cymru+ fod o fudd i'ch busnes.
Mae rhaglen Twf Swyddi Cymru+ yn fenter gan Lywodraeth Cymru sydd a’r nod o gefnogi pobl ifanc a chyflogwyr ledled Cymru. Y prif nod yw helpu unigolion ifanc (16-19 oed) i gael profiad gwaith ystyrlon a datblygu eu gyrfaoedd, tra hefyd yn cynorthwyo busnesau i dyfu eu gweithlu a gweithwyr medrus.
1. Mynediad i Weithlu Dawnus Mae'r rhaglen yn darparu mynediad i unigolion ifanc brwdfrydig ac awyddus sy'n barod i ymuno a'r farchnad swyddi. Gall y gronfa dalent hon ddod a syniadau ffres, safbwyntiau newydd, ac etheg waith cryf i'ch busnes.
2. Llai o Gostau Recriwtio a Hyfforddi Mae’r rhaglen yn sicrhau bod gweithwyr ifanc yn cael eu cefnogi i ennill sgiliau perthnasol sy’n cyd-fynd ag anghenion y cyflogwr. Ar strand Cyflogadwyedd rhaglen TSC+, mae cyflogwyr yn derbyn cymhorthdal ariannol, sy'n golygu y gall busnesau leihau'r costau sy'n gysylltiedig a recriwtio a hyfforddi gweithwyr newydd.
3. Twf Busnes a Chynhyrchiant cynyddol Trwy gynnig profiad neu logi talent newydd gyda Thwf Swyddi Cymru+, gall busnesau wella eu cynhyrchiant a’u potensial twf cyffredinol. Mae gweithwyr ifanc yn aml yn frwdfrydig ac yn awyddus i gael effaith gadarnhaol, a all ysgogi arloesedd ac effeithlonrwydd o fewn eich cwmni.
4. Cadw Gweithwyr yn y Tymor Hir Er mai cefnogi pobl ifanc leol yw cam cychwynnol y rhaglen, gall arwain at fuddion hirdymor megis cadw gweithwyr. Trwy fuddsoddi yn natblygiad gyrfa gweithiwr ifanc, mae gennych gyfle i greu gweithiwr ffyddlon a allai ddewis aros gyda'ch busnes yn y tymor hir.
5. Effaith Gadarnhaol ar Gymuned ac Enw Da Gall cymryd rhan yn rhaglen Twf Swyddi Cymru wella enw da eich cwmni drwy ddangos eich bod wedi ymrwymo i gefnogi cymunedau lleol a darparu cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc. Gall hyn helpu i feithrin ewyllys da gyda chwsmeriaid a rhanddeiliaid.
6. Amrywiaeth a Syniadau Ffres Gall croesawu pobl ifanc i'ch gweithlu ddod ag amrywiaeth a chyflwyno syniadau a safbwyntiau newydd. Gall hyn greu amgylchedd gwaith mwy deinamig ac annog meddwl arloesol sydd o fudd i alluoedd datblygu a datrys problemau eich busnes.
Darganfod mwy am Dwf Swyddi Cymru+ ar gyfer cyflogwyr.
Astudiaeth Achos
Cwmni Coffi Steel Town: Buddsoddi mewn Pobl Ifanc ar gyfer Dyfodol Cryfach
Mae Ryan Morgan yn entrepreneur llewyrchus, yn berchen ar ddau salon gwelyau haul, siop barbwr, a Chwmni Coffi Steel Town ym Mhort Talbot. Mae ei daith yn un o wytnwch a gwaith caled, ac mae bellach wedi ymrwymo i ysbrydoli oedolion ifanc i dorri trwy eu rhwystrau eu hunain a gwireddu eu llawn botensial.
Roedd partneiaeth a rhaglen Twf Swyddi Cymru+ Itec yn cyd-fynd yn naturiol a chenhadaeth Ryan. Mae t?m Itec o swyddogion cyflogadwyedd ymroddedig yn cydweithio a busnesau lleol i greu cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc, gan eu helpu i ennill profiad gwerthfawr yn y gweithle a dechrau ar yrfaoedd gwerth chweil. I gyflogwyr, gall cynnig profiad gwaith ddod ag angerdd a momentwm newydd i’r busnes yn ogystal ag ysbrydoli cronfeydd talent a gweithluoedd lleol ifanc ar gyfer cyflogaeth yn y dyfodol.
Mae Ryan wedi cynnig cyfle i dri o ddysgwyr Twf Swyddi Cymru+ Itec gwblhau lleoliadau gyda Cwmni Coffi Steel Town, lle maen nhw nid yn unig yn cael profiad ymarferol mewn amgylchedd gwaith deinamig ond hefyd yn elwa ar ei fentoriaeth, arweiniad, a mewnwelediadau amhrisiadwy i redeg busnes llwyddiannus. Dywedodd, "Rwy'n mwynhau cefnogi fy nghymuned drwy roi cyfle i bobl ifanc gael gwaith".
Dysgwyr Twf Swyddi Cymru+
Ymunodd Maddison a rhaglen Twf Swyddi Cymru+ Itec ym mis Awst 2024, wedi’i hysgogi gan awydd i feithrin ei sgiliau ac ehangu ei rhagolygon gyrfa.?Gan gydnabod gwerth profiad ymarferol, gosododd ei bryd ar leoliad lletygarwch i helpu i gyflawni ei nodau. Trwy ei lleoliad yn Coffi Steel Town, mae Maddison wrthi’n gweithio tuag at gwblhau ei chymhwyster Lletygarwch Lefel 1 gydag Itec, gan ennill arbenigedd ymarferol a mewnwelediadau amhrisiadwy o’r diwydiant ar hyd y ffordd.?
Daniel Marc Jones?
Cydnabu Daniel mai amgylchedd gwaith cyflym, ymarferol oedd yr union beth yr oedd ei angen arno i gymryd y cam nesaf yn ei yrfa. Wedi'i gyffroi gan y cyfle, dilynodd yn eiddgar leoliad gwaith yn Goffi Steel Town, busnes lleol ffyniannus sydd wedi'i leoli'n gyfleus ger ei gartref. Gyda diddordeb brwd mewn archwilio’r diwydiant lletygarwch, gwelodd Daniel hwn fel y cyfle perffaith i ennill profiad gwerthfawr a phenderfynu a oedd yn addas ar ei gyfer. O dan arweiniad a mentoriaeth Ryan, mae wedi bod yn mwynhau ei leoliad yn fawr ac yn rhannu: “Rwyf wrth fy modd yn cael mentor fel Ryan i edrych lan i.”
Kabu Steed-Forsyth?
Mae taith Kabu gyda Ryan a Coffi Steel Town wedi bod yn hynod gadarnhaol. Ar ?l sawl wythnos o brofiad gwaith gwerthfawr, cynigiwyd cyflogaeth iddi yn fuan ar ?l ei phen-blwydd yn 20 oed. Mae hyn yn amlygu ymroddiad Ryan i feithrin cyfleoedd gweithle cefnogol a pharhaol i bobl ifanc.?
Mae Ruth Sainsbury, Arweinydd T?m Swyddog Cyflogadwyedd Itec yn rhannu effaith gadarnhaol gweithio cyflogwyr fel Ryan, "Mae'n wych gallu dod o hyd i gyflogwyr cefnogol fel Ryan sydd wedi croesawu ein dysgwyr ac sy'n gallu eu cefnogi fel mentor. i’n dysgwyr ac i gymuned Port Talbot mae Ryan yn deall y rhwystrau y mae oedolion ifanc yn eu hwynebu yn y gymuned, ac mae’n fodlon eu harwain lle bo modd a darparu cyfleoedd cyflogaeth.
Mae Itec Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth yn estyn diolch diffuant i Ryan am ei ymroddiad diwyro i gefnogi ein cenhadaeth o drawsnewid bywydau er gwell.