Discover 130+ Signs Of A Loser Mindset And Learn Proven Strategies To Transform Yourself As a Winner
Subhashis Banerji
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Psychological And Behavioral Aspects of Success and Failure AND Winners and Losers - It Is All About Mindset
In this article you will learn the following –
-Who are the winners and who are the Losers
-Why even capable and intelligent people can have loser mindsets and failure mentality
-130 + Signs & Traits of People with Loser Mindset & Failure Mentality
-70 Tips on How to stop being a loser – getting rid of failure mindset
-16 Tips for Dealing Effectively - When You Feel Like a Loser in Life and Are Making a Mess of Your Life
?When you think about a loser in life – you also get a comparative image of the profile of a winner or champion.
What differentiates winners from losers is certainly not about what they have achieved?- BUT – the differentiation happens because of –?the mindset, attitude, and dominant emotional-mental-physical disposition.
Winners are enthusiastic - have long-term big goals – and are action-oriented people - who are focused on finding solutions and improving every aspect of life.
Winners like everyone else – face numerous challenges, crises, disruptions, setbacks, failures, and mistakes - but their self-belief is of such an empowering nature that – they almost immediately start looking at ways on how to bounce back from whatever is holding them back.
Winners never actively try to make other people losers.
In fact- almost all the champions and winners’ mindset people - help others win and grow to their potential and feel happy at others' success and accomplishments.
Winners expect to do well and if they do not do well - they take steps to get the necessary help to succeed next time.
The psychology of a LOSER
A LOSER may not necessarily be a low intelligence or low ability person – they can have all the qualities BUT have a disempowering thought pattern and as a result, manage to lose their advantage unnecessarily.
Losers develop a?negative self-image and an inferiority complex and have negative expectations of self and from others and from their future.
Losers usually refuse to change their viewpoints even when presented with hard evidence showing that they are wrong.
Most of the losers have a mindset of - I am right and as a result, never learn from their mistakes.
Losers blame other people and the external factors plus their LUCK – for their failures.
This stops losers from taking personal responsibility and being accountable - for their mistakes and failures.
Losers also lack self-control, self-discipline, resilience, and perseverance.
Losers tend to boast and brag a lot– only to impress other people – without any solid basis.
Losers may develop a mindset of winning at any cost using any means - as they feel winning makes them good in the eyes of others.
Sore losers?are never happy for their losses AND other’s wins – and when they lose, they start planning ways to make the winners lose.
Losers develop a negative mindset characterized by self-sabotaging behaviors.
The loser mindset gets triggered due to -Deep-rooted emotional insecurity and when they Experience massive failures, setbacks, or life-altering and life-threatening events to hit rock bottom.
Here the differences between losers and winners become more profound – as the loser may give up mentally and emotionally and choose to do nothing.
The setbacks and disrupting and emotionally significant events happen to almost all of us – but losers – who lose their will to fight back to bounce by allowing their circumstances to define their future.
Losers may not see and recognize the positives in their life and lack the empathy to have gratitude and appreciation.
130 + Signs & Traits of People with Loser Mindset & Failure Mentality
1.?? ?They might look tired, deflated, sick, overweight?
2.?? ?They laugh at less fortunate people
3.?? ?They don’t want anyone to succeed
4.?? ?If they get a chance to sabotage anyone’s success – they will – even though other’s success might not have anything to do with their success or happiness
5.?? ?They might also be limited by their Fear of success
6.?? ?They might be getting pulled by the Toxic & negative people in their life?
7.?? ?They have Negative self-talk the majority of the time
8.?? ?They may become a People pleaser
9.?? ?They might have Given up on their life
10.??????????????? ?They might have a Callous approach to physical, mental, and emotional health
11.??????????????? ?They may Watch TV most of the time
12.??????????????? ?They may Play games on mobile for many hours almost every day
13.??????????????? ?They may Post selfies on social media frequently sometimes multiple times a day
14.??????????????? ?They may be Updating the status on their profile on mobile, WhatsApp, email, social-media – regularly every day
15.??????????????? ?They may Forward useless messages to people
16.??????????????? ?They may not have any long-term goals for their future
17.??????????????? ?They may lack passion and hobbies
18.??????????????? ?They Engage in unhealthy habits
19.??????????????? ?They are Closed-minded
20.??????????????? ?They resist change
21.??????????????? ?You may find them Waiting for miracles and magic to happen in their life – without putting any effort
22.??????????????? ?They also go to Godmen-Godwomen-Baba’s – expecting instant rid of their problems – and get cheated hence
23.??????????????? ?They may not take an active interest in learning and self-development
24.??????????????? ?They may Blame luck and others for their poor state of life
25.??????????????? ?They have excuses for their lack of success
26.??????????????? ?They are into religion and religious activities in big ways
27.??????????????? ?They Day-Dream a lot about having all the riches and luxuries -WITHOUT putting any effort
28.??????????????? ?They do not try to stretch beyond their comfort zones
29.??????????????? ?They might get into get-rich-quick schemes – and get cheated
30.??????????????? ?They May get into criminal activities or develop criminal intent
31.??????????????? ?They may lose out to scammers & fraudsters – because of greed and because of wanting to have all the trappings of rich
32.??????????????? ?They may Develop dependence on alcohol, smoking, drugs, and narcotics
33.??????????????? ?They might become dependent on others for their existence
34.??????????????? ?They Gossip behind the back of others – even those who might be their friends
35.??????????????? ?They Try to show off to cover their lacunas
36.??????????????? ?They Try to please those in power – even if they are wrong
37.??????????????? ?They Try to get attention using any means available to them
38.??????????????? ?In the arguments they try to prove that they are right
39.??????????????? ?They Get into frequent arguments on minor issues
40.??????????????? ?They easily Believe the fake news and fall for propaganda
41.??????????????? ?They may Find it difficult to say no
42.??????????????? ?They might Have a great sense of entitlement without any merit
43.??????????????? ?They feel happy by belittling, demeaning, and insulting others
44.??????????????? ?They Do not accept their mistakes
45.??????????????? ?They Avoid taking risk
46.??????????????? ?They avoid doing anything which may lead to making mistakes and failures
47.??????????????? ?They don’t have any inspiring and motivating dream
48.??????????????? ?They Live a purposeless life flowing with the time passively
49.??????????????? ?They Can be brainwashed easily
50.??????????????? ?They Lack self-identity and self-worth
51.??????????????? ?They Play the victim and have many sob stories
52.??????????????? ?They find it very difficult to identify their - incidents of pride, success, and accomplishments
53.??????????????? ?They are Very rigid and don’t want to learn or change
54.??????????????? ?They May have many negative habits
55.??????????????? ?Their Thinking pattern would be dominantly negative
56.??????????????? ?They always feel envious of other’s success of those who have got it after the struggle
57.??????????????? ?They are generally messy and disorganized
58.??????????????? ?They may lack proper hygiene sense
59.??????????????? ?They Can be selfish and calculating
60.??????????????? ?They have an anger problem - Losers don’t have enough self-control to stay calm when they’re upset
61.??????????????? ?They take their frustrations, irritations, guilt, shame, embarrassment, and anger out on others by lashing out at others - When they are upset
62.??????????????? ?They put you down over minor disagreements
63.??????????????? ?They turn unimportant issues into major fights
64.??????????????? ?They throw temper tantrums when they don’t get their way -or when they don’t get what they want
65.??????????????? ?They are lazy and may procrastinate about important issues
66.??????????????? ?Very rarely you may find them taking initiatives
67.??????????????? ?They may not prepare adequately before an important event – like a job interview or exam etc.
68.??????????????? ?They may try to find how to get the exam paper in advance – Indians will be able to identify this loser trait
69.??????????????? ?A loser won’t prepare ahead of time, and they’ll put off important work until the very last minute
70.??????????????? ?They are over-possessive and suspicious
70 Tips on How to stop being a loser – get rid of failure mindset
1.?? ?Read my 600+ blogs among the 900+ on my two websites for do-it-yourself tips ON ALL the Advice given below and also for developing empowering mindset of winner and champion AND to get rid of any disempowering mindset like a loser or failure mindset
2.?? ?YES, YOU MAY THINK THAT THIS IS TOO MUCH – Please understand that changing an innate disempowering and negative mindset & habits is complex with so many things to work on
3.??? ?But believe me almost all the tips you would be able to implement and apply concurrently
4.?? ?Start cardio, stretch, aerobic, and stretch exercises – every day
5.?? ?Practice multiple breathing exercises – every day
6.?? ?Whenever you feel lost or upset of confused – start moving vigorously, jump, dance
7.?? ?All the above actions - will create a strong foundation for creating a discipline and self-control in your life – without having a disciplined mindset - nothing worthwhile can be accomplished by anyone
8.?? ?Read my blog on How to be a Disciplined person
9.?? ??Identify the big picture – by asking yourself – If you acquire all the skills and habits – what would make you feel like a champion or a winner
10.??????????????? ?Stop showing-off – let your results talk about you – read my blog on his
11.??????????????? ?Identify people who can-not only teach you BUT also can inspire you when you are stuck – build strong relationship with these powerful people
12.??????????????? ?Develop your network with people who are highly successful leaders in their domain and create bonds with them
13.??????????????? ?Ensure that you never compromise on discipline, safety, and quality in your work
14.??????????????? ?Focus on delivering excellence in whatever you do
15.??????????????? ?Experiment – try new things, non-conventional ways, out of box processes
16.??????????????? ?Make mistakes - Accept your mistakes
17.??????????????? ?Learn from your mistakes & failures and move on with your life
18.??????????????? ?Take full responsibility for all your choices, decisions, and actions as well as their consequences
19.??????????????? ??Understand that your problems only you must find ways to solve and take appropriate actions – till you get what you want
20.??????????????? ?Be a proactive action taker – don’t wait for things to happen
21.??????????????? ?Stop playing the victim
22.??????????????? ?Eat healthy, get help to reduce and ultimately get rid of your substance abuse, smoking and drinking etc.
23.??????????????? ?Learn Learn Learn – find what you need to learn to be the best – go and acquire skills, expertise, exposures, experiences, and proficiencies as well as needed qualifications – there is no substitute for this MUST DO ELEMENT OF SUCCESS
24.??????????????? ?Travel widely – learn a different language and learn about different cultures
25.??????????????? ?Learn to identify and Let go of your baggage of shame, guilt, regret and inferiority
26.??????????????? ?Know and accept yourself fully – identifies all your faults, weakness, flaws, lacunae, negative habits and mind-blocks etc.
27.??????????????? ?Identify your self-worth to create self-pride – by identifying your strengths, your positivity, your past wins and the instance of your overcoming serious handicaps
28.??????????????? ?Rig the game in your favor -Become competent -Learn to play to your strengths
29.??????????????? ?Stop comparing yourself with anyone – you are unique
30.??????????????? ?Many times, when we are in a phase where nothing works – accept your current bad phase – BUT – keep working on things that are within your control and keep learning
31.??????????????? ?Learn how to manage your emotions, feelings, depression, anxieties, fears
32.??????????????? ?Learn to manage your feelings of frustration, inadequacies, anger
33.??????????????? ?Audit your people in your inner circle – identify who boost you positively and who pulls you down
34.??????????????? ?Learn ways to manage them – if ignoring, avoiding, and getting rid of them is not possible
35.??????????????? ?Choose to have strongly positive and enthusiastic people in your life and circle – both inner & external
36.??????????????? ?Identify toxic people and learn to manage them OR get rid of them
37.??????????????? ?Stop watching Indian News Channels
38.??????????????? ?Stop believing WhatsApp and other social media fake-toxic news
39.??????????????? ?Never try to impress using false means just to boost your EGO
Read the remaining article as per the following details
This article was originally published as “130+ Signs of Loser Mindset & 70 Proven Tips to Beat Failure Mentality & Be a Winner ?“ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life - personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships - please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]
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