Discourse on Overcoming Pain
When you can laugh in pain, then no one can make you cry again, for you know that this pain will not last and will soon be a thing of the past. – Dr. MM
Seeker: Sir, it is so difficult to understand. Please explain to me.
Maladkar: In striving you are living, in crying you are dying ! When you strive at least, you are consciously making an effort to rise over the pain and not suffer from it again and again. But when you succumb to pain, you will lose the gain, of seeing the bright side of the pain. You see not the lesson you are being taught, you overlook the possibilities of the pain being a blessing in disguise. When you look with short sight, I agree it may be painful, but many a times, in hindsight you will realize that you have actually benefited by the pain. It has made you a stronger person than before and made you realize your inner potential. So though difficult, yet it is not impossible to smile if not laugh when in pain. Nothing is permanent, not even pain. The clouds howsoever dark and laden always fly past and the sky becomes clear again. So let us make an effort at least to dance in the rain even though there is pain. After the showers there will be a flower, swinging in the winds, telling you that the pain has long gone. We may fail but there is good possibility that through the pain we may sail ! Rumi so beautifully said, “These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.” So in short, pain can be transformed from an ever lingering wound into wisdom. Eckhart Tolle advises us, “If you can let go of the unwillingness to suffer pain and allow the pain to be there, you will notice that subtle inner separation from pain.” Also, there is avery meaningful Latin saying, “Vita non est vivere sed valere vita est.” It means, “A life not lived is a life not worth living.” So even when in pain try to live life fully by converting your pain to your strength !