Discourse on Darkness to Light
“In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.”
- Francis Bacon
Seeker: Can you kindly elaborate on the above quote ?
Maladkar After the dark you can hear the song of the lark / Darkness teaches you the value of light / Darkness guides you to all that is right / Darkness makes you understand depth /
Darkness wants you to have faith / So worry not when there is darkness / It will soon give way to brightness / Just have faith and patience. As Rumi says, “There is a secret medicine given only to those who hurt so hard they can’t hope.” You will sail through the dark phase, you will overcome the difficulties soon enough. When you see the star / You know it is so far / Yet when its light reaches / For sure to us it teaches / With an example of its ray / That even in dark there is a way ! I recall the most famous Hindu prayer “Oh Supreme Divine mother, please take me from unreal to the real, take me from the darkness of ignorance to the Light of knowledge and take me from mortality to immortality.” Indeed Faith is seeing Light with your heart when all that your eyes sees is darkness.