Disconnecting in the Connected world
Welcome to the world of Social media and connected world .
I am a Data and Social Engineer working in world since my birth. By virtue i am a guy who connect and disconnect with the world at my free will .
Let's start the conversation about what happens when we disconnect from the both Social media and real world,our heart and mind will be restless for some time ...then they calm down slowly ....outward focus will come back as willpower ,brain may experience turbulence of thoughts .....Eventually it will start focusing on few things..............resistance comes from our heart to go back to world ....if u resist to it then real magic start happens to you......
What are results of the disconnectivity(dissociation).....
1.Experienced highest levels of peace,focus and concentration.
2.Cherished beautiful moments of my life when i am alone and silent with nature like riverside or green lush etc...
3.I resolved most of the programming puzzles when i am alone thinking about it .dissociating is Magic wand here as it pushed logical abilities beyond imagination .
Final words:
I am a Human being first then social being later ...social media buff last..... to fulfil the needs of the being in us ....u dedicate precious time to to the happy being .....just peep into the world of happy world...we can experience real being living in us.....its not a meditation its natural state of mind......
Hope enjoyed my thoughts....happy weekend.......