Rachna Gopalan
CRM Marketer at Lals Group | Ex Mumzworld | Ex Landmark Group | Mother of 2 under 4 | Expert in Loyalty, CRM, Retention & Growth
Have you ever disconnected from work?
Holiday? Going home? Being sick? Mental health days? New parent?
The reason could be anything, but the question is, have you every been able disconnect fully?
I haven't. I cannot. There's always that part of me that wants to know what's happening, if I've missed something, haven't briefed something, haven't handed something over.
Now, at the cusp of motherhood for the second time, I am all set to start my maternity break. The baby is about to pop any minute now. The control freak that I am, I have made a handover document with links to all important documents, all process notes, the limited coding that I know, how to videos, my dictionary, trackers, references, and what not, but I still can't DISCONNECT.
I don't think I can hand hold any more, and my team also does not need it, me, to butt in and annoy them with my opinions; but me being who I am, I am struggling to let go. Am I not needed now?
My body is definitely giving me cues that it's time to stop, mind's finally trying to come to terms. What would you do in my place?