Disconnect to Connect
Did that title catch your attention? Is it not necessary to slow down to keep moving? The feeling we have is that every day that passes, time gets shorter. It seems that the day no longer has 24 hours, or that we wanted the hours to be 36 hours to handle everything we have to do.
It's July, and it seems like just yesterday that we were entering January 2023, and when we realize it, we're almost reaching the end of the year. And what have we done to be better as a person? What was your learning in these 7 months?
Has society improved? Are we evolving in education? Or are we turning people into an ''emotional idiot''?
Large companies have been looking for super smart people, who dominate technology, who have skills with state-of-the-art tools. But the question is: Are our universities prepared to train the professionals of the future, even in the next 10 years? However, these college students go into the market with great technology skills but terrible relationships with human beings.
Super machines are created every day, and there is a research that says that almost 90% of the legal parts are already done by supercomputers, more than 80% of the complex surgeries will be performed not by doctors, but by robots.
Everything is being replaced, men, women, relationships, time with families, in short, the world of superficiality. The digital world has taken people's sensitivity away from controlling our minds and emotions. Major conflicts are being resolved through artificial intelligence (AI) generating ''emotional idiots'', undiscerning, ignorant. They may even have a good logical reasoning, but they are emotionally superficial, hypocritical and paradoxical. Incidentally, large companies invest in tests to see the degree of intelligence, but are unable to measure morale. They know numerical mathematics very well, in which dividing is decreasing, but they are not familiar with the mathematics of emotion, in which dividing is increasing. They are quick to reason but slow to reflect.
Dependence on technology has generated people who are weak, uncreative, fragile, who bow to their own pain, are jealous, anxious, want everything fast, do not connect with themselves. Cocaine usually shows symptoms of withdrawal syndrome after 48 to 72 hours, while smartphones generate symptoms after two or three hours, such as anguish, sad mood, restlessness, boredom, insomnia, in short, the list is long
To strengthen our muscles, we go to the gym and spend hours working out and posting on social networks that ''we are healthy''. It will be? And what have we been doing to strengthen our mind? What will be the generation of the future?
It's past time to disconnect to connect.