Disclosure of Government Files & UAPs!

Disclosure of Government Files & UAPs!

Looks like the whole UAP/UFO information is heating up again. Even with the two physical civil wars going on right now.?

Those civil wars either behind closed doors or out in the physical world have been going on for over 100 years now and to this day it is still over the same topics. Civil rights, land, energy, control, power, and some will say it is nothing more than one person's beliefs or something to do with their religion.

What is upsetting is when all these talks and civil unrest are happening, there is a larger picture that is unfolding around us and a lot of people overseas don't want that larger picture.

Whether they want that larger picture or not it is going to change everything around the world. One of the major changes is all the different religions around the world. That one thing is going to rewrite our history and our future. In my honest opinion that rewrite has already been done and it has been unfolding as time goes on. I also feel that is why people are not happy with the way things are right now.

Not only that, all the politics going on, the civil wars, and the UAP stuff have gotten the people of the world in high levels of power flipped around.

These events that are going on around the world are being done on purpose to keep people's thoughts and attention away from more important things. At the same time, these events happen around the world like the whole UAP story.

As I said earlier the whole UAP story is heating up again. Once again starting with David Grusch. He just did an episode on the Joe Rogan podcast and dropped even more bombshells there as he did in the Federal Court Hearing in July 2023.

Since the hearings and the recent podcast a few names have become the topic of interest when it comes to the UAP story. There has been some pushback here and there on the overall story but not just with the story. But with the people who are telling the story and those who are reporting on the story.

With every new outlet or leak of information to the UAP, there are those out there who will stop at nothing to shut it down. By going after the person telling their story to the reporters who are reporting on it. They will go after anyone who is linked to the story or to the person who is telling the story on the UAPs. In my opinion, when something or someone goes after them about the UAPs they show, tell the public who or what actions have taken place towards them. Yes, that even means names and groups that have taken action to their story on the UAPs or anything that is linked to them. That is also a two-way street. Those who are going out of their way to push back could also be linked to the whole UAP story as well! I think that is what a lot of people within the government are doing.

I think many people within the White House have direct connections with the UAP story and they have been in the last 80-plus years. Within the last 20-plus years or so I can honestly say there are at least four people within the level of government status that are deeply involved in the UAP topic.

Two names that Mr. Grusch said in the podcast with Joe Rogan. Roger and Turner. I would even go as far as to say Sean M. Kirkpatrick has a huge hand in the UAP story. All three would have their hands in the private sector within our United States. I would also bet that all the trillions of dollars our military money has lost have gone as well.

Some would even say if the private contractors were made public they would lose all the time, energy, people, and money they have accumulated would dry up and go away. It would be the opposite. If they come forward they would have more resources coming in than what they know what to do with if they go public with their work.

What people don’t understand or see is something is going on. There are those out there that do know what is going on and some are afraid that information could be used in ways that could harm us or to use as a deterrent to strike fear into people and governments.

That deterrent of fear has been going on for decades. Mr. Grusch has even given testimony that his life, his family, and his former coworkers have been threatened with what he knows and others like him. This has also happened to Bob Lazar. They tried to erase everything he ever worked or lived.

They also did the same thing to the people that they have ever worked with as well. Once they came out exposing what they knew and know.

Grusch and Lazar know what they are doing and the risk that will follow them. What gets my goat, however, is that those former coworkers won’t or have not come forward to support them or to oppose them. Either way, I find that to be validation.

I can understand if those former coworkers are salty about what they did and didn’t come forward over that. But I find it even saltier when they are not saying anything at all.

No matter if either of them supports or opposes them, why hasn’t either come forward or spoken out on the events that are or have happened? I find that to be the oddest thing over the whole UAP/UFO stories. It would also explain the coverup by the government.

Past or present, there have been so many in the last 60 years that have come forward on this whole thing. But only a few of them had any merit to their stories. However, some who have come out and told their stories have not been heard from since they told their stories.

I am not a well-known reporter nor an investigator nor do I claim to be either one. I’m one of many people, a spectator sitting in the bleachers observing historical events that are changing the world right before our eyes.

Observing these events since 1985. Events that were unfolding with the UFOs back then a lot of information was not available as it is today 2023.

Granted you have many well-known reporters like Gorge Knapp and Linda Multen Howell who have been reporting on these events and have aired on national television. Even they will admit that they got some of their facts wrong or go deeper to ensure they are getting all the facts straight before they go and tell the world about what they have found. Even reporters can’t just go all out and tell the world what they have. They have to put in the time and work so they are not chasing a wild story or putting someone's life at risk just to get fame and glory as other reporters have done.

They are not in it or reporting these things just to make a name for themselves or to make money from it. They too are putting their credentials and lives on the line as those that are whistleblowing. They can’t just go all out and reveal everything they have or found. No matter how much we want them to. Some of the information could be devastating and life-threatening fallouts. Not just for them and the people they talk to but for everyone. There are many different reasons why this is so. First and foremost it could be life threatening for everyone.

Not all information they gather is life threatening and they should give that information out. However, depending on the information and who is in it, it may have ties to that information that could get a lot of people killed for no reason other than their name in it. It could be just an everyday person or go right up the food chain of the most important people on the planet.

At the same time, you are going to be on the chopping block of that food chain and someone or thing out there is going to cut you down for even talking about unknown phenomena. Whether it is UFOs, UAPs, or even the supernatural and otherworldly things. People have this mental thinking or internal belief that if you can’t physically touch or see and hear these things they are not real. However, there are many things in our world that we do believe in without any physical touch or can see and hear to prove otherwise.

We all believe in Angels and Demons. We believe in a mirage out in the desert and we also believe in a higher power in some form or another. None of them can physically be touched or see and hear, but we believe them to be real as flesh and blood and live in the same elements as we do.

These people who have these high levels of knowledge criticize those who do not know as they determine what is real and what is false or fact. Where is their knowledge to prove it otherwise? Where is their physical touch to say what is real and what is false? They can’t prove it anymore or less than the next person, to begin with. So why are they so hell-bent on something they can’t prove or disprove? And yet they claim to be more intelligent and have all the answers to our questions. They don’t know anything more than we do.

But they claim to be experts. How can you be an expert on something that you say has no physical proof, to begin with, but when you can’t even prove it otherwise? Just because we don’t have the physical touch proof doesn't mean it's not real.

The old question and theory come to mind when I say this. There is a forest hounders of miles away from any living person and if a tree falls does it still make a sound if no one is around??

Yes, it does make a sound. However, when that sound travels through the air, the sound will fade away by the time it reaches a living person and it could be nothing more than a whistle in the wind by the time it reaches a person. It is not that different from throwing a rock into the middle of a body of water and watching the ripples it makes. Those ripples will fade away from where the rock first hit the water.

Since I watched the podcast there were huge bombshells dropped that were bigger than the July 26 hearing. And the unbelievable pushback that Mr. Grusch has gotten from it as well and the latest pushback is Kirkpatrick's tweets saying he has or was trying to get in touch with Grusch when he said he had no contact with him in the first place as Kirkpatrick said he did.

Grusch even said that Mike Turner and Mike Rogers are the reason for the pushback. I would even throw Kirkpatrick, Nides, Atip, NASA, NID, DOD, GOP, CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, and ARRO for the pushback. They all have something to lose or to gain from all of this.

Because the more they push back the more information comes into the light. That pushback comes from both sides of the coin. It's a 50/50 point of view. Some are right and some are wrong. But the overall point is why is there so much pushback from either side? Whoever or wherever that pushback is coming from is afraid of the truth. Once everyone knows the truth it will derail the credibility and transparency they claim to have.

Many people with sticky fingers and deep pockets want to keep all this information to themselves. They do anything to keep it that way. However, within the last 30 years that risk of keeping to themselves is slowly slipping away.

With the creation of the internet and social platforms. Information was becoming more and more available to people. Those with sticky fingers and deep pockets started losing the information they wanted to keep out of people's hands, eyes, and ears.

So they double down on the Freedom of Information Act AKA FOIA. They use FOIA to their advantage. FOIA allows you to get information through the public records. If the information is in the public records anyone can get that information. On the other side of the FOIA, those sticky fingers and deep pockets are diverting all the information they have from the public into the private domain. Because the private domain doesn’t have to obey the FOIA request forms. They do everything they can to divert every piece of information, word, term, and acronym to the private domain. Those within the government also double down on this action as well. As time went on the military followed suit to move everything they had into the private domain. Long story short they deemed it to be classified and national security. To this day they claim no such information has or ever was in their records. Then why do they claim it to be classified if they don’t have any information?

I will tell you why because they are using the law of the word, they think it’s going to protect them and the information they have. When in fact that word they use is painting a bullseye target right at them. The word classified is nothing short of a big word coving over a small three-letter word of YES! Change the word classified to yes to their claims and the picture gets real!

If you notice they don’t even try to use the word Top Secret anymore that much when it comes to the public eye. Because that too will paint a target right at them.

As David Grusch was saying in the podcast interview Turner and Rogers are not allowing the information out to the public as it seems. I have seen some pushback from them. More so towards David Grusch and those like him.

As Rep. Tim Beritchett said the more they ask questions or try to gain detailed information the more pushback he gets. Like him, Luna and Gates went to an air base and were denied to see or talk to the pilots about a UAP encounter. They even said in many press meetings and federal hearings that they were denied. After many hours at that air base, only Gates was allowed to see and talk to a pilot. Rumor is that Rogers is how Gates gains access when he has been pushing back.

I find that very odd. All three of them were there for the same reasons. Why only Gates? To me that says they only want certain people to know what is going on. Why are they taking such baby steps in telling others within the government and keeping it away from the public?

That would entail that there is something more going on here. Not only that there are about to be more whistleblowers and public federal hearings coming up within the next few weeks. At the same time, I do see more pushback as well. However, this next round of pushback is going to be more severe and the reporting aspects are where the pushback will take place along with the whistleblowers that are about to come to light.

With more whistleblowers coming out and giving their stories to the federal hearings is going to allow reporters to talk about what they know as well. Because I think some of the reporters should also be and become whistleblowers. Some of them have been doing news stories on things like the UAPs for over 30 years now and I still say they will have most of the bombshells and smoking guns we have been waiting to hear and see. At the same time, I do understand and the rest of the people in the world must also understand that they just can’t give some of that information willy-nilly.

We all have to understand the level of that information, the risk of it, and where it is coming from. What I mean by that is that the nature of the information could be a life or death event for everyone just like it was with the Atom bomb. Other types of information could have an impact that would change human life forever.

The point is no matter the level of the information. It will change everyone's lives. Many would say we can handle the truth. Depending on what that level is, that may or may not be true for a lot of people out there. Some of the information that we want to know could have a darker reality than we think it is or could be. I can at least respect it enough to know that much.

As I have said before, if it will put people's lives at risk then I can see why some would say it could cause some trouble in the public.

What I don’t understand is, why is the government, the military, and other groups taking so long to give out some of that information. Grusch and others have even said that some of the information is stupid to withhold it. Some of that information could help us to understand and find answers to a lot of our problems. From communication to finding a cure for a lot of our illnesses. I’m just guessing on those things but what they are talking about is the information they have could give us to change our way of life in some shape or form.

Maybe too big of a change and that is why they say people will panic. If that is true then they do have some heavy bombshells of information that they want to keep to themselves. Let's say a piece of that information is a cure for an illness and that illness is now gone and wasted away like the dinosaurs. There is no more money to be spent or made from that illness.

Doctors or whoever would say that would put them out of a job. To appoint I have to agree. But that also opens many other doors to study in the medical field or any other industry. If people are truly in the medical field or want to help people then they will shift their skills and abilities to other fields and areas. If they don’t then that is on them for not moving forward. I believe that is why a lot of things are not moving forward. You can’t get more transparent than that.

The reason that I think they are not showing or giving us the information is not with the person in charge. I think it has to do with the departments that are withholding the information.

You can have the highest person in office and yet that person can’t or won’t let the information out. In other words, more people are hoarding the information. This is where all these committees come into play. Because they don’t want one person to have the ability to give out information on their own. Once again I will say if that information is so intense or so dark then I can see why there would be a committee in place and not one person having the ability to give out that information willy-nilly.?

Those committees or groups of people are the reasons why we don’t have transparency and we can’t hold them accountable for the events that are unfolding right now or for the ones that have happened in the past. Those same people are in positions throughout every branch of government, military, and private groups that have contracts with each other not to disclose the information they have to the public or within their groups.

By doing that they can avoid a lot of legal proceedings and criminal charges by being private and non-commercial with the information they have and this is where the conspiracies come in.

However, I think those groups do have an amount of information that we all want to get our hands on. But I don’t think they have the full amount of information that everyone else says they have. They do have a huge fraction of the information that everyone wants to know about.

That information could be anything from the UAPs, the space programs, and the JFK files. The point is they do know more than what the public knows. That is a fact. I don’t think they know the amount of information we think they do. They may have more or even less than what the public has. It just depends on the level of detail in the information they have.

To this day I still say that someone or a group of people have more information in the public somewhere and are just waiting for the right time to come forward to fill in the gaps that we have been looking for and wanting.

(12/5/2023: Well my theory now has been confirmed with the latest podcast episode of “Weaponized” with Gorge Knapp, Jeremy Corbell, and a Twitter/X video posting of “Late Ex-CIA Army Signal Corps member and UFO Whistleblower Oscar Wayne Wolff (aka “agent Kewper Stein”) interview. Considered a deathbed confession in March of 2013.)

In both videos, they dropped some huge bomb shells that the CIA, MJ12, and the Army were involved in the whole UFO topic and there were alien bodies found. Along with alien tech.

I have said the information that everyone wants is in fact out in the public or the hands of public reporters. But due to the nature of the information they may have and what the information entails or where it is coming from it could have some bitterly cold truths that the powers of bee don't want anyone to know about. The pushback could be something out of folklore if more of the truth is confirmed. It might even destabilize everything as we know it.

I feel the reason why a lot of those don’t want to tell the truth is that they will lose what police call and use as Qualified Immunity or try and use Eminent Domain to cover their tracks. In some cases, they have already done so to that effect. Ever since Grusch and others gave their testimony to the federal courts has blown up in their face on both sides and the pushback has been unreal.

However, with every pushback, more and more information on the UFO/UAPs has come out into the public eye.

Even though more information is coming out. There is this eerie feeling that something is going to come to light and get worse before it gets better. You could say the same thing when the Manhattan Project created the atomic bomb. Maybe that is why some think that people will panic about the full disclosure within the government and the military over the UFO/UAP topic. It would be another Manhattan Project all over again but with the UFO/UAP.

They have had this information since 1947 and they haven’t learned that much. They haven’t made any progress in what they have in their secret locations in the last 76 years. Not the amount of progress that is being speculated by the general public. If they have at this point, our space programs or energy technology would have made huge leaps by now.

Not saying they don’t have anything at all. If they have had this stuff your years and we haven’t made any breakthroughs. Other than in communications, Cameras, TVs, and micro technology we haven’t even been able to make high-tech man vehicles to expand in the harshest climates on earth or deep space other than building unmanned drones and crockets.

Hell, our computers, cell phones, cameras, and drones are more high-tech than anything else we have right now. Sure our vehicles and farm equipment as well. But yet we are still suffering with food, land, water, energy, civil rights, and religion.

Yes, man can go into space and deep parts of the oceans. But in the public eye, it looks like we haven’t made any improvements in the last 76 years.

To this day we have the state of the art cameras, drones, and recording devices and yet we can’t prove that Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster is real or not. Simple myths that could be debunked by now or proven to be real as mankind.

Let’s go one step further. All these videos and images of these military images of the UFO/UAPs. All those images are inverted, blurry, out of focus, and in black and white. The military has state-of-the-art cameras and radar technology. Why are those images so bad to see what they truly are?

Even some of their technology doesn’t work when a UAP shows up. Our cell phones take better and clearer images than what the military has been giving us. Most cameras and cell phones these days have 4k image quality.

For that matter, there are cameras out there that can film 7 trillion frames per second. But say they can’t slow down an image speed because it was moving too fast? If a camera can film and slow the image speed from a moving bullet fired from a gun. Then how is it that they can’t figure out what they are seeing in those military images and videos?

There again they are giving pushback trying to say that there is nothing to see here and that we the people don’t know what we are talking about or won’t understand if we did. They are playing the stupid game as I like to call it. Or they are playing stupid to the people until the people call them out on their bluff.?

This whole UFO/UAP topic in so many different ways has become a joke to some people and within the government. Hell, ARRO and NASA have claimed to be open and transparent on the topic. Look at Operation Blue Book that information has come out and confirmed that it was 80%? fabricated and had no facts or information at all to back up the claims it said it did.

I can’t wait for one of these whistleblowers or reporters to come out with the greatest bombshell the world has ever seen and cannot be refuted with the information or the physical evidence that comes out with it. That is the day they fear most and why they say the public will panic. Because they didn’t share what they knew and the people would come after them for not sharing. The people would have every right to do so and that is why they don’t want to give up what information if any they have. The more they do this the more they put themselves on the chopping block. God forbid they tell the truth and come clean.

Reporters can’t even give all the intel that they have and the stories they have been writing. That too is a complete disappointment. People are screaming for transparency and disclosure yet they too are being held back from staying quiet. By their actions or by an outside force that has threatened them.

This new bill that they are trying to pass into law will allow them to speak on topics that have been kept from our reach. It will also remove the eminent domain and subpoena power from the government that uses them to withhold the UAP information from the public. A lot of you people are misunderstanding what those legal things really can do and what they could do to mess things up. You need to look at those two things in depth to understand what they are and can do.

That too is a double-edged sword. Once they remove that they will try to use or implement another way to keep the information from getting to the people. I have even read something to the point that they say it is unconstitutional or it is a violation of national security to allow this information to be known to the public. It will put everyone in a panic mode or people will riot over this. Or they will try and use Qualified Immunity of some kind to keep them out of criminal charges or to keep their jobs. My favorite one is they were following orders and would throw everyone under the bus. Now that would be epic to see and hear about!

That bill should show all the names and groups who have been blocking and stopping the information from coming out.

I think it will rewrite a lot of the transparency and accountability to our leaders as well and uphold them by law to do their jobs as they were elected to do in the first place.

Nevertheless, this whole UAP bill topic is going to be a starting point and other withheld topics that need to be disclosed to the people. The information that is being withheld is what is holding us back to a better future. A future where we could have clean energy fuels and find cures for some of our greatest illnesses that have hurt us for hundreds of years.?

Currently, we have made some huge steps forward in those illnesses. Holding back information from us to improve those answers is not the way to do it.

Those who are trying to stop this are the ones hurting us in so many ways. Most of our worldly problems and illnesses should have been cured a long time ago and open new doors to improve our ways of life either here on earth or in the stars.

We made a huge leap into the space race. With technology and an understanding of how man will act in space. Then everything stopped. I believe the reason why everything stopped is that those people had a dramatic encounter that they were not ready for and that was the UFO and UAP area. That may finally get the notice that we are not alone in the galaxy. However, ever since the moon landing and the return. Other than the space station no man has ever gone beyond that level of space technology. Why?

I think they have found something more than they thought and it is way beyond what anyone could understand and it will take lifetimes to fully understand what they have and know about when it comes to UAP/UFO and space travel. Then again like I have said before it is so beyond them they haven’t even made a dent into understanding what they are doing or what to do with what they have in their hidden locations around the world.

Von Brom even said in a video interview in the 60s that we had help in the space program and that help was not from this earth. He said, “We had outside help!” Meaning the help was from outer space as being outside! Don’t believe me, Google it and see and hear it for yourself!

Once again I will say that the info that everyone wants is already out in the public. It always has been. But the way the government and the military handle it and go out of their way to keep people quiet is why a lot of people won’t tell us about it.

These are straight-up MOB-threatening tactics they use to keep people quiet. Threats like they will kill you or your entire family if you speak to anyone or the public. The problem is you can go to the public to speak. All they are trying to do is take away your civil rights. Because if you sign a NDA you are no longer protected by the constitution. However, they think that the very same constitution is protecting them and allowing them to do whatever they want to you when you sign an NDA form. In other words, they are creating their loophole to do whatever they want and can get away with it legally. If you sign an NAD you lose your civil rights and protection from the Constitution.

Such things as Qualified Immunity, Eminent Domain, National Security, Top Security or Secrict, and my favorite, it is classified. They use those to their advantage to amend the Constitution and take a person's civil rights away. They even use these tactics on their people who have served in the military and on those who have high levels. People like Bob Lazar, David Grusch, former senators, governors, and anyone with a political connection or who knows the information that could cause some warranted or unwanted attention. They are afraid of the people who know the truth they are trying to hide.

Dare someone out there to prove it wrong or right. If no one out there is confirming or denying it. Then someone out there is listening to what is being said and talked about.

Some of you will say that Eminent Domain is for the greater good of the public. However, the Eminent Domain was created by those within the government. In other words, the government can come and take your private property for the public’s use with or without the property owner’s consent. As long as they pay the owner the cost of the land.

How many times have they done that and have they used that property for the public? What is stopping them from taking your land? What value does your land have or offer to benefit the public? Look at SkinWalk Ranch and other properties around them that are currently owned by the government!

The Fifth Amendment places two strict limits on eminent domain. First, private property can only be taken for public works projects, like roads and bridges. Second, even if a property is taken for public use, the owner must be paid “just compensation.?

How does eminent domain apply to anything for the disclosure of UAPs? What do public roads and bridges have to do with UAPs? 22 locations have the largest roadways and bridges that are used every day by the public.

They want to use this to take property. There is no time frame or limit on when they will make that property available to the public for roads and bridges. They can use that to take property and never turn it into roadways or bridges for public use. How do you think they got their military bases all over the United States? A lot of times they don’t use the property for public use or have paid compensation for it either. There is nothing if and when they will ever make the property available for public use. They could sit on that land forever if they wanted to. Because there is no rule and no statute of limitations attracted to it!

The only way I can see how this would work with the UAP/UFO is if there was a crash site! Not only that they could even build a road or a bridge over the top of it as well to cover up the crash site and maybe a building why they are at it.

The government goes out of its way to prove or say that people are too stupid to know or understand the information on the UAPs/UFOs or how things work within the government. The very same people that voted them into office! They are calling the voters that put them into office, stupid, and don't know how things work! At the same time don't even tell you how things work or give any information about the facts as well.

If the people are so stupid and voted for them to be in office that would mean that the stupid people are in charge right? But they are the most educated people on God's green earth! Hmm!


The UAP Disclosure Act just got spayed and neutered. Whoever wrote it or whoever was a part of its writings does not want this legislation to pass into law. The disclosure that was presented had no usefulness or any weight of power in it to get the information that the people wanted.

If the DoD, DIA, CIA, NASA, ARRO, The White House, and all the military armed forces had something to do with the creation of the UAP Disclosure Act. It was never going to go anywhere or get any kind of information other than what it was meant for. However, there is a bit of truth that comes from this. The powers of bees are bushing back on the UAP/UFO issue and why the Disclosure Act has been gutted. It proves that there are high levels of people and high-level intelligence organizations behind this and is derailing the whole UAP/UFP issue. How much more proof do you need to see who is behind all this pushback? Transparency my ass! In a way, it is transparent that the powers of bees are bushing back on the UAP/UFO issues.

It also begs the question as Rep. Luna, Gates, Burchett, and others have said. “Who the hell is really in charge here? It sure as hell is not the people that are supposed to be in charge.” That is another issue they are trying to get answers regarding the UAP/UFO along with other disclosures that the powers of bees have been kept from the people. They still haven’t given up all the JFK files like they were ordered to.

To this day Seg. Def. has a huge part and role in this. But he has not said anything about these issues, why?? Pelosi, Turner, Rogers, Kirkpatrick, CIA, ARRO, FBI, and Homeland Security have a huge stake in this as well as some of the people within the White House!

All of them and the other names I said before are the Puppet Masters. And if anything goes south they will blame it on someone else or blame the President!

Maybe their bank accounts, mental health, and religions should be in question too!?

Let me be clear that all those names I’ve said in this and most of them are the reason for the pushback. At the same time, some of them are trying to say they want to help or want the truth to be known. That may be true but at the same time they know in the back of their minds it is not going anywhere or becoming known to the people any time soon. So they talk a mean game trying to doctor it up to make them look good in case it does become known. I could very well be wrong about this statement as well but with every pushback, it gives me pause.

In a lot of cases, the President is their scapegoat so if something should go wrong God forbid. They won’t get charged for criminal charges. Because they want the President to make the call so it won’t fall on them! Go back and look at Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Trump's terms when they were in office. What were some of the biggest events happening when they were in office and what was done about them? You will see a pattern if you look. Do you think that one person has that much control or power over others? If you say yes then we are in a world of hurt that will never go away!

That is why there is so much pushback because they would have to give up a lot of information, power, and control if the Disclosure Act passes as it was meant to do. Now that they gutted it won’t do crap or get us any closer to any truths at all.

Because they don’t want to be the leader to make those kinds of tough choices. Look what is happening right now with the two civil wars overseas. I don’t think they have all the facts on that either.?

The sad truth is a lot of people out there don’t want this UAP or unknown technologies to be real! Because it scares the crap out of them. Also, I feel they stereotype some of the horrors that they have seen in TV and Movies is why.? To a degree, I would have to agree with them. However, I’d rather know about it now, not later. Because later will be far too late and even more dangerous than it is right now!

The old saying, knowledge is power. Too much knowledge is dangerous. That too much came with the Manhattan Project and the Atomic Bomb. Then I can see and understand some pushback.

I can also see that this would have a huge impact on religion all over the world as well. It would also confirm that all the different Gods that the people believe in other than God himself would be real as well. That our Gods are aliens! That we believe in a living alien being to be our Gods is scary as hell. It would push a lot of people into civil war. Two wars are going on right now.

How would you feel if everything you believed in and were raised to believe in was a lie when it came to your religious beliefs and find that your God is an Alien from another world?

There are a lot of factors to think about and to take in here, not just within our governments, and military. These are factors that I don’t see people in the government taking into account or asking questions about how people will react to these UAPs/UFOs if they are proven to be physically real!

To point out to those people that do know they are physically real. I think they are the ones who are saying people will panic and there will be a holy war of some kind and not just one war. There could be many wars other than the two that are going on right now.

And I am not saying those wars are related to the UAP/UFOs either. I am just pointing out that these wars are going on right now for no reason whatsoever over something so petty like religion, land, food, and civil rights.

I thought people had grown out of those ways and into a better future. In my eyes, those wars are happening for other reasons as I have said and yet also to take people's attention away from the UAP/UFO disclosure issue.

(Look at what happened at 911. Everyone was focused on the World Trade Center and that is a given. But what they didn’t talk about was the World Trade 4 building and that a plane had crashed into the Pentagon. Roughly around the same time of the 911 attack. Even though it was a scary time. People all over the world came to our aid.

Look what happened to the Nuclear power plant in Japan when it exploded. All those people gave up their lives to clean up the Nuclear waste to save lives!

Where is that togetherness and helpfulness that people came together to help those in need. They didn’t care who you are or where you came from. People needed help! They put their petty bull shit aside and worked together to make things right for their fellow man and woman!

Can you imagine what this world would be like if we all kept working together toward something bigger and greater than something so petty and worked on something like that we are not alone in the universe.

There is more than one event taking place at the same time. They may be related or not. There are a lot of events going on all around the world at the same time. It's like something or someone is trying to pull everyone's attention away and into something else other than what is really and truly going on.

There are a lot of events happening at the same time. If this keeps up I fear that we will be heading into World War Three sooner than later. This could be the reason why so many people are afraid of what might happen and those who are to be our leaders are causing this to happen.

There is so much information out there that we barely understand. Those who claim to be experts are morons to even say they are experts on things they don’t even understand themselves.

If someone is truly an expert at anything at all. We would have the cure for the common cold. If we had a cure for the cold. How would we know if we were ever sick or get sick to fight off other illnesses? How are we to build up our bodies to fight off other illnesses if all the illnesses we know about are gone?

For example, we end up on another planet like Earth. We have no idea what germs are floating in the planet's air, water, and land. How do we know if there is a plant that could kill us all by just touching it? What about animal life?? Space travel and other planets are human’s worst nightmare. And we are racing as fast as we can to get out there. We also live in a symbiotic world with bugs and other animals to live. Without that symbiotic relationship, our lives are short-lived.

I want us to go to other worlds and travel the stars just like everyone else. But at the same time, I have to think about and take in the dangers and how we do that without the symbiotic relationships of life that we have here on earth. Yes, man can travel within the stars but not to other worlds. Because we lack the technology that we need to live among the stars. How are we going to eat and create our food supply in space? Our bodies can’t live on plant-based food forever. Not only that our body cemetery will change the longer we stay in space. If we are in space too long we won’t have the ability to come back to earth.

Some of our TV shows and Movies talk about these very things. Even though most of them are fiction. But they do have bases of facts and truths behind them.

Because after living in a lightweight gravity for a year. Earth’s gravity could kill us if we come back to the Earth. Some of those that have come back to earth have had some serious health issues and there is very little talk about that.

Let’s just say the UAP/UFO technology will help us to that effect. How long is it going to take us to do that in the long term? It could be another 80 years, 100 years, or even 1,000 years before we can do that and fully understand how to make that happen and be able to come back to earth.

As I’ve said we are still fighting each other over land, food, and civil rights for the last hundreds of years and we haven’t grown past that. People don’t see the bigger picture here.

Suppose that we are to learn and understand what kind of technologies these UAP/UFOs we the people of Earth need to work together on this and share this equally with each other. If we don’t we will never grow out of our past if we are to grow in the future.

This stupid self-righteous arrogance of control over other people is what has harmed us for millennia. No one person or a group of people has the rights over another living person. And that is exactly what our governments are doing. Look at what happened with Hitler and he was raised by a Jewish family.


We all want to be able to have a clear understanding of what is going on around us in the world. But when something is keeping that away from others. It has the impression that a singular or many forces are at play here. Either for the greater good or evil. There seems to be more than one thing that is keeping all of this out of the public.

These things and events have been going on for thousands of years. Long before any government body was created. All over the world, a form of religion was built around some of these events and people.

How do you think the stories or myths and legends were created? Because there were facts of truth and someone was there when those things occurred.

We are doing and seeing the same things as our ancestors have done and yet we still don’t know anything more about them today. Other than a few locations have more activity than others. Other than that we haven’t seen anything different.

If these things are not man-made on this earth. Why are we still seeing the same things over and over again as our ancestors did? I don’t mean similar but the same things.

Take the SkinWalker, BigFoot, The Dog Man story, and the WereWolf story. Oddly those four stories are talking about the very same details when people talk about their encounters with them. Orbs of light, large shadow figures, large hairy animals, injuries, strange sounds, and abductions. How is it that four different stories talk about the same things? All four are different but the same. The details blow my mind. They are almost word for word in each case.

Now after hundreds of years of history, why do the UAP/UFOs still look the same way today as they did in the past? After thousands of years of history shouldn’t they have changed in the way they look as we have changed in our everyday lives?

Take cars and boats for example. They have made some huge changes through the years. But the UAP/UFO haven’t made that much of a change in their shapes. Their size has changed in some cases but most have kept the same shape. I find that even more strange. It also reminds me if it ain't broke don’t fix it.

If they are alien craft that may be the only way they can travel and not be affected by the changes of gravity and the air that is around them.

I have no basis or background to justify or test my theories of opinions. What I do know is that these strange things going on in and around our world are happening for a reason.

With what I am seeing and learning about. If I had the help I think I could solve some of these myths and legends along with the UAP/UFO stuff going on right now.

Because there are a few key factors in play here.

1. Time & Season? 2. Events? 3. Locations? 4. What other things are happening at the same time in the first three factors? If my thought or theory in my opinion is right, there is a pattern.

Each time a place or event happens these things show up and other things appear out of the blue. It doesn’t even have to be a strange phenomenon. Worldly events take place all the time.

Because these things are being overlooked or not being taken seriously enough. Some would say that it is overkill or looking into something too deep.

I don’t think they are looking deep enough in a lot of these things. Sometimes we need to take a step back and take a break from it and then come back with a fresh point of view on it. I still say a lot of it is overlooked and not taken seriously enough.

That is why I also think the government says there is no interest or has no records.

Are we being overly dramatic about these things? In some cases, I would say yes. In other cases, we are not dramatic enough to even try and find out what these things are. Sure there are people out there trying to do what they can with what resources they have.

The government and the military should be or are doing it as well. Because they have all the resources to get the answers we have been looking for. But they sit back and wait for someone else to find and do all the leg work for them. They burn through trillions of dollars that they can’t account for, so why not, right?

Maybe they don’t have the information that everyone thinks they do. Just maybe the information is already in the public hands and they are waiting for more information to come out so they can steal that information, eminent domain being one of them, so it won’t be exposed in the open and in public view! At the same time that would also prove their involvement and coverups.

Now that would make a lot more sense and why would the government and the military say they have no intel on these things and are using it as a coverup angle just to see how much more information they can get out of the public's hands without having to do the work themselves?

That would be the biggest con game bust of a lifetime if that were true!

The thing is the people within the government and the military are to be the most educated people on God’s green earth and yet most of them can’t even tie their shoes so they won’t trip and fall on their asses! Let alone fix some of the biggest problems we face daily.

They seem to think we the people work for them. They work for us and that is the biggest problem we have right now and why we can’t have disclosure. Some things need to be kept out of the public that is a given. But a lot more should be shared as well. Look at the JFK files; they should have been released over 20 years ago and yet we got nothing! They broke the law and someone needs to go to jail for that alone as well! But they won’t. They seem to think they are protected by the same constitution that they are to uphold.

All these events taking place are nothing more than the government and the military is a crime boss family, The Mob aka the Robbers! The people of the public are the Cops aka the law!

You put this into perspective, Cops and Robbers. A lot more things just got real and a lot clearer than you thought!? Rep. Tim Burchett calls them Pentagon war pimps. I would call them one of the crime families of the Mob, the enforcers!

NASA would be another family as the scouts. The war room would be the dining room table where all the Mob families would meet and talk about how their businesses are doing and who is causing trouble or cutting in on their money and territory.

Then you have the sub-families like, Rep. Gates, Luna, Burchett, and some others trying to change their ways and show them there is a better way of doing business without bloodshed or having to do back door deals to get things done.

“However, The Disclosure Act should not be made into one topic type or field. It should include other areas for disclosure.

Things like the Apollo 13 mission reports. The 911 attack. How much is the CIA, FBI, DOD, DIA, and GOP, involved with all this? And the list of groups goes on. To this day they still are not telling the people everything they know.

Adding other disclosure things like those to the bill might work then again if we get even more pushback by adding those things then we have the answer that the government and the military are withholding information from the public.

We just need to be a bit spicier and spick that ball harder and see who jumps to bat first! I bet it is worth Trillions of dollars of information too!”

Please understand some high-level events are going on right now. I am not saying anything that is happening right this minute. I am talking about things that have happened since the 1920s or 30s. If we are going to have disclosure then we need to make it count!

Doing this half-baked or half-cooked is not going to do us any good or make us feel any better if they keep cutting out the tasty bits! How is something supposed to taste good if you cut it out or don’t have all the ingredients?

If we are to improve or to make this taste any better than it already is. We need to have access to any or all other ingredients to try new things and to improve the taste. Could even end up making new tasty things.

Can you imagine the things we could do and improve if we had all the information that is being hidden and out of the public?

We could finally get out of the stone age! All of our best technology and history would get the biggest upgrade from hell and it would be beyond anyone's imagination. It would be like finding the Dead Sea Scrolls. It could even be the next coming of the messiah of humanity!

Yes, that is a scary thought for many of us. But if we are to truly find and explore what and who we are. We need to work together and trust one another if we are to unlock our future.?

If we don’t, we are going to be lost for the next millennia! Even then it may never come or it will be far too late.

Is it worth more to stay in the dark or is it worth more to find out what is out there in the light and find out who we are as human beings? What is it that is so worth keeping everyone on the sidelines?

It must be the messiah to keep everyone in the dark. If it's not, show, wash your hands, and come clean! If you don’t, your cloak and dagger are going to get us killed. You have every right to be scared and you should be. But which is more scary that you have hidden and known about it or are you more afraid of what the people will do once they find out about your truths?

What is it worth to keep out of everyone's eyes and hands out of it? It must be worth trillions of dollars that you spent and can’t account for, huh?

Is that what truth is worth to you? Trillions of dollars! I have to agree with George Knapp. It has come down to money and who has the most to gain from it and line their pockets!?

Say something to that effect or don’t say anything at all. Either way, your intentions are clear to the fact of your involvement.

On June 24, 1997, 26 years ago today, U.S. Air Force officials released a 231-page report dismissing long-standing claims of an alien spacecraft crash in Roswell, NM, almost exactly 50 years prior. To commemorate this event, we prepared a 20-question quiz about UFOs: https://mastersoftrivia.com/en/all-quizzes/history/eras-periods/modern-history/ufos/


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