Disclosing Childhood Abuse as An Adult
Lynn C. Cox - Communications and Change Leader, CHT
I am a Communications, Change and Clinical Hypnotherapist leader who blends my skills, experience and education to create compelling, creative and persuasive strategies and campaigns for individual and corporate clients.
Questions that many people who experienced abuse as children face is: Do I confront the person who abused me? And/Or Do I report/disclose the abuse to family members and authorities?
Unfortunately, those who experienced abuse as children bear the weight, anguish, confusion, and brunt of horrific acts. Yes, there can be affects into adulthood, BUT, there are ways to heal and recover so that you can:
?-Experience more self-love, confidence, and sense of who you are as a human being
-Have better relationships
-Enjoy intimacy
-Improve your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.
Check out this video for more: https://youtu.be/RR6osjoo4Xw
To Your Health, Vitality & Joy!
Lynn C. Cox, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Abuse Recovery Coach at www.lynnccox.com