Disclaimers - I Hate Them!
Sarah Short
Turning qualified coaches into well-paid professionals | ICF-Accredited Marketing Courses For Coaches | Mentoring | Straightforward, No Nonsense, Actionable Marketing Techniques | Prices from £3100 (inc VAT)
I just clicked on a link for some 'High Ticket Client' training. (Ok - I'm nosey!)
The promises made were astonishing. You don't have to do much at all apparently, and you can still have untold wealth and oodles of clients, begging you to work with them.
Social Media
From what I saw on the 'sales page' I landed on, I can secure 'high-paying clients' in just 76 hours! That's good news, isn't it?
Social media presence is entirely unnecessary - hallelujah for introverts (apparently). The copy refers to social media as being something only for the Kardashians, and therefore, I think they're trying to imply it's distasteful.
The copy refers to marketing as 'creating endless content', which makes social media marketing sound like a dreary drudge. I suppose it might be if you don't know what you're doing. It also states that 'content creation is dead'. That's interesting. The entire marketing profession is advocating 'content is king', but these guys are bucking the trend. Thank goodness I landed on their sales page to have all my misunderstandings corrected!
Live Webinars (that just aren't live)
There was a link to a 'live webinar' that was starting in just under 15 minutes. That's convenient, isn't it?
So, being nosey beyond belief (something I believe is an essential characteristic for a coach), I signed up. There were 97 out of a possible 97 attendees already there, waiting for this marvellous revelation that was going to change both our lives and our bank balances. I could see their names in a list and everything.
The box that was going to show the webinar loaded with an error message. No matter how many times I refreshed the page, the webinar screen simply displayed some sort of error message that was terminal. Basically, it just didn't work.
I was gutted!
I wanted to know how to market by magic! I want clients who want to pay £10k+ each, flocking to me. I want to be able to just concentrate, emote, and have clients racing towards me as if to a magnet....
The Disclaimer
The disclaimer at the bottom of the page was astonishing. In fact, it contained almost as many words as the sales copy.
It said that there's no guarantee of any particular level of earnings and that the £10k+ was simply an indication of potential earnings. Then, it reiterated that there was no guarantee of any particular level of earnings and that anyone signing up for the a) webinar and b) the actual programme should be under no illusion that it did guarantee anything at all.
Finally, it said - for the third time - that there was no guarantee of earnings. Ok, I thought, I get the message.
The message is this: This doesn't work.
Why This Makes Me Spitting Mad
This kind of marketing makes me furious. It is appealing to a specific kind of coach; an anxious one. One that doesn't know much about marketing and for whom business development is a complete mystery.
This coach can often be an introvert and so implying that coaches don't have to undertake the work that they find worrying - think social media - and they can still get those oodles of clients is so unfair. These claims are blatantly untrue. They are lies. (I'm really glad that their stupid video didn't work!)
The thing about business development is that it is simply a combination of knowledge and a skill. A bit like playing the piano or driving a car. Remember how anxiety-inducing learning to drive a car was? It's the same with marketing. It gets easier with practice.
No Shortcuts
There are no shortcuts to building a coaching business, just like there's no shortcut to learning to drive.
In both cases however, there is a process.
Understanding what the process is, isn't enough - you have to actually do the work too. You can't pass your driving test by just thinking about driving. You can't pass by understanding what all the bits of a car do, you have to actually practise driving.
It's the same with building a coaching business. You have to understand what you need to do, then actually do it - and continue to do it. Marketing your coaching business has to become part of your daily process, no matter how much you don't want it to. Hoping for clients to find you, or your website, isn't a strategy that works.
Having someone to hold you accountable really helps; that's what a coach is for, right?
Having someone to hold you accountable who has walked the path before you, helps even more; that's why our mentors are all coaches who have businesses.
The Coaching Revolution Disclaimer
Our mentees get clients. If what they're doing isn't getting the outcome they want, we help them to analyse why, and to change course ever so slightly. We support them to keep changing course - ever so slightly each time - until they are achieving what they want to.
Why 'ever so slightly'? Well, just like in change management, the secret is to change one thing, and then measure. If you change lots of things in your marketing at the same time, how do you know which thing worked (or caused the whole thing to bomb?).
Our business development process teaches you to keep measuring and adjusting, so that by changing tack slightly when necessary, our coaches end up in exactly the place they want to be.
If this sounds like something you might want to know more about, why don't you book a slot in my diary? It costs nothing to talk to me, and there's no obligation (on either side btw).
My diary can be found here>> https://rcl.ink/Xsa
Business mentoring for coaches | Host of the ??? Coaching for a Living podcast | Coaching prices strategy | Money mindset | Financial coaching | Ask me about "Allow, allow! ?? Onion rings!"
5 年Oh, the small print... Actually, come to think about it, the fact that their video didn't work was proof that they were taking their own advice. No need for public presence, at all. I wonder how many £10k+ clients they had flocking in after that 'demonstration' of how it's done!