Discipline + Freedom = Oxymoron
Joydeep Chakraborty
Head - Global Operations at AXZORA Group | Early stage Tech Investor | Board of Director South Niagara Chamber of Commerce & NBOTAC | Mentor at YEDI
Last night at the bar table, I met this gentleman, his name was Gary. He was 60 years young and was into real estate business. He was sipping his beer alone, so me and my friend struck a conversation with him. It was amazing and fun chatting with him, we chatted on various topics like real estate business, this generation, women, and the most interesting one was about discipline and freedom.
Given a general thought we may feel these terms “Discipline” and “Freedom” are so opposite. It will take few extra minutes to understand that "great discipline gives greater freedom”. Let's understand this from a country perspective, almost all countries in this world are free yet they have rules and regulations. These rules and regulations are not to restrict its citizen’s freedom but to make sure everyone enjoys their share freedom and be disciplined. For one individual playing loud music may seem like expression of freedom and on the other hand it may be nuisance to many people. Over speeding can be fun for me, however it may be life threatening for others on the street.
Discipline is there to imbibe good behaviours at home, office or country. This helps in identifying our boundary and respect others. This helps us realize if we are intruding into other’s space or causing inconvenience to others or breaching other’s freedom. We live in a society and its important we respect freedom as or what it may mean to others.
Taking a step closer, at home and in a relationship the behaviour is the same. Freedom to me may mean messy lifestyle and to my partner it's cleanliness is godliness. Its only sensitive on my part to respect my partner’s space and discipline myself so that both can coexist. The philosophy is no different be it in case of a country and its citizen, employees in an organization or partners in a relationship.
Enjoy your share of freedom and let others do it as well.