Discipline Ain't Sexy, At First.........
It's amazing what a time of reflection will do. I think myself to be a pretty disciplined guy in most things. I study the word. I do great business. I read books and I usually stick to the task at hand. God started dealing with me about my discipleship and I was open. The areas of thought were pastorship, fatherhood, self-discipline and study of the word.... I think you get it? Being the preacher that I am I immediately started talking about it with men at XCEL, the church that I get to serve as lead pastor. Thursday nights has been off the hook. We got out of the church setting and decided to grow together. We've discussed discipline in incredible ways. We've talked about our money, our goals, our relationship, our temples and our minds. It's been crazy and for me it's all boiled down to this. Discipline has to be in all areas. ALL areas. Somethings I was great at, yet somethings I sucked at and since I sucked at them, I avoided those areas. I think I've mentally made the change starting today. Sooooo, here is a list of some of the things that I'm going to do (not try to do) starting today:
- Eat Better: By doing this I'll take control of my health which also happens to be my greatest gift from God. There's no way I'll accomplish anything if I give in to being 49.
- Exercise & Shoot Hoops: That's when I'm at my best. My mind is clear. My energy level is off the charts and I think clearly when these things happen. Don't sleep. I still got a "J" that'll sit young bucks down. Lol.
- Strategize Better At XCEL: Sometimes even I slack. God gives us a great minds for a reason. So, leadership team get ready! Find out more at www.xcelnation.org #ICometh
- Keep Building My Financial Business: It's an incredible idea that helps people become all they can. Gotta do more. Talk to more people. Do more business. Take FHF to another level. Keep creating job opportunities for people. Leave a business legacy. Find out more at www.frankhendersonfinancial.com
- Talk To My Children Daily: I really wanna win right here. I wanna talk. Know what's going on. Help. Support. Give advice. Simply enjoy them.
I've got other areas where I need discipline and I'll continue working on them as well. Just know that 'discipline ain't sexy' to the average person. The hard work it takes to discipline ourselves isn't easy. Sometimes we just don't feel like it. Sometimes there's something else that is way prettier to do and sometimes we all just wanna look the part vs. being the part. I get it. Yet, I understand that my personal discipline level has to come up. In everything. I pray God's best on your life. #GetDisciplined
Pastor Frank