Discipline #3 - Know Thyself

Discipline #3 - Know Thyself

Discipline #3 is Know Thyself.

I’m going to take you all the way to the core of Discipline #3, and what it looks like when you fully implement and realize this discipline in your life.

Knowing thyself is ultimately about being yourself … but you can’t fully be yourself until you truly know thyself.

In our offerings, we prescribe many ways to fully know yourself, but I want to take you on a high-level journey of what getting all the way there looks like—all the way to becoming your innate self, self-actualized, self-realized, and what your soul wants.

Basically, it’s a matter of going deeper and learning more about yourself at every stage.

On the surface, it starts with you learning all about your skills and abilities and then, from there, it’s understanding your personality traits. And then, it’s discovering your strengths and weaknesses and your likes and dislikes. At this point, you start to make improvements and start to gain a level of confidence. It’s also important to know that the above can happen in any order. This state of understanding yourself is where most of you are on your journey. And you will always continue to work on the above.

Once you are there, we then get to the good stuff where you start to shed everything that your parents and the world did to you. (You were born perfect and then the world got a hold of you.)

You begin a process of shedding “layers” at a pace your central nervous system can handle and slowly become more and more free.

Then the next level is listening to your soul and what it wants for you. The outside world and pressures don’t matter anymore at this point. You are being directed from the inside out, as opposed to the outside in. This is a source of power, creativity, and energy that is indescribable. Let’s call it bliss.

It's all baked into the 10 Disciplines. Each discipline is designed to gradually sculpt you and your life into you living and being your True Self. This is where you maximize your freedom, creativity, and impact on the world, and you do it with incredible peace while letting your freak flag fly. Now, that’s managing and maximizing your energy!

Join us on the journey. Download the free e-book or sign up for Group Coaching.

Stay focused,


P.S. If you know an entrepreneur who would benefit from this message, please pass it on to them!


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