Discipleship Lives: Choices ~ Decisions ~ Ways of Life …

Discipleship Lives: Choices ~ Decisions ~ Ways of Life …

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 ~ For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.?

Abba Father good morning ~ Warnings; they serve purpose to live ready, prepared, and equipped for unknown encounters with something or someone. Living ready takes-effort. Living prepared takes-action. Living equipped takes-dedication. Readiness is studying. Preparation is implementing. Equipping is initiating. Failure to live ready lacks discipline. Failure to live prepared lacks wisdom. Failure to live equipped lacks discernment. Everyone has failed to live ready, prepared, equipped within times in life. The consequences were unavoidable. Satan tremendously and strategically with devious untruthfulness, implements specific plans of attack of ungodliness against our heart, our mind, our soul. Our very inner-core of thriving life. Failure to recognize satan’s ungodliness will be disastrous with catastrophes. Collateral damage will affect our life, our family, our friends, our encounters with all of life. If our life is not living extremely cautiously; satan will instill seeds of untruthfulness embedded within our heart, our mind, our soul. Seeds of fear with worry. Seeds of depression with anxiety. Seeds of doubt with despair. Seeds of isolation with loneliness, Seeds of darkness with hopelessness. Worldly seeds of lifelessness. Reflect-back. Remembering satan’s seeds of ungodliness. Moments satan implemented worldly attacks by slowly emerging. Satan’s aggressiveness will always promise something with nothing to sustain. Polluting our life with untruthfulness. Promising satisfaction within instant gratifications, materialism, pornography, gambling, drugs, alcohol, technology, and addictions of endlessness. Promising worldly comforts but never sustaining. The ways of this world is living fooled by satan’s ungodliness. Our life lives among this worldly world of smooth-talking people coming across as sincere, while telling enticing lies. Twisting-facts. Presenting false delusions of hope. Initiating confining temptations of hopelessness. Pulling our life into a direction seemingly rewarding, only to find out we were intentionally deceived, misguided, and enticed with deception breathing delusional untruthfulness. Having a sole purpose implemented by satan to trap our life into a life masqueraded with ungodliness. Never forget ~ satan can promise absolutely nothing sustainable but a life of hopelessness living within everlasting darkness. The living bible teaches to live aware of ungodliness; worldly false-teachings. Their destructive behaviors. Deceitful workmen. False deceptions. Lifestyles filled with delusions of untruthfulness. Consequences they deliver into our life are barriers of separation within family, friendships, encounters with all of life. They all serve a purpose to draw our life in, while attempting to trap our life into desperation, isolation, hopelessness. Masquerading biblical truth with sole purpose of creating internal separation between our life and intimacy within The Lord Our God. Remember ~ Our life must live alert. We have an Amazing Living God actively loving this whole world. All of life. Our life personally, unconditionally, intimately. The Lord Our God provided an answer to all worldly untruthfulness, deceitfulness, temptations, ungodliness, and all the smooth-talking the ways of this world masquerades. Our Lord Christ Jesus is the answer. ?Our engageable promise. A free-gift, an intimate gift engageable within The Lord Our God. A life-changing gift breathing truthfulness with clarity. Wisdom with discernment. Comfort with peacefulness. Living hopefulness within protective promises. ?Free-gifts of The Lord Our Gods powerful life-changing undeserved grace. Heavenly gifts intimately breathing everlasting life (Holy Spirit) into life’s brokenness (our sinfulness) within anointed sustainable life (Christ Jesus) within everlasting life in heaven (Abba Father). Heavenly gifts actively breathing living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. All fully engageable. Our Lord Christ Jesus is our friend, a friend our life can trust. A caring friend. A loyal friend. An intimate friend. A life-changing friend living by our side within every moment. Our Lord Christ Jesus will never leave us, never deceive us, never let-us down. The living bible is very clear. Everyone who willingly lives believing, accepting, trusting, following within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit; will live within everlasting life in heaven. This free-gift is unearnable, unpurchasable, uncreatable. A life-changing gift cleansing, redeeming, restoring our sinful life. A heavenly gift filling our heart, our mind, our soul with living hope. Godliness; heaven above engaging within our very inner-core of thriving life. ?It is a choice, a decision, a way of life. A lifestyle our life can actively engage. Our life living ready, prepared, quipped among this worldly world masquerading ungodliness. Our life living heavenly protected believing, accepting, trusting, following within The Lord Our God’s Only Son. Our Savior. Our Best Friend ~ Our Lord Christ Jesus. Best decision my life ever made. What is your decision my friend? Reflect if you must with utmost urgency. Is our life actively living ready, prepared, equipped within The Lord Our God.?

Father ~ Thank you for always living by my side. Engaging my life within every moment. Providing living hope to engage all life uncertainties among this worldly world. Heavenly blessing engaging within my inner-core of thriving life. Abba Father ~ Protectively engage within my life. Filling my heart, my mind, my soul with heavenly truthfulness. Godliness that cannot be masqueraded by this smooth-talking world. Father ~ Help my life live fully engaging within heaven above. Teaching my life how to actively live engaging everlasting life in heaven within you forever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.

Michael J Zenner

Johan C Kluyts

Sole Member at Kluyts Projects

2 个月

Yes Lord, Amen

Mulindwa Kevin

Army of God children's charity

2 个月



