Discharge of Tree Condition in Hillingdon, London
Mark Carter FICFor. MRICS Dip.Arb(RFS)
Chartered Arboricultural Consultant & Chartered Surveyor at MJC Tree Services Limited
St. Helen's School in Northwood has been going through a process of expansion and modernisation for a period of years, and the above officer's report refers to the latest element of that process, namely the rebuilding of the McKenzie building. At the outset of this process I was instructed to carry out a tree survey to British Standard 5837:2012 'Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations' of the entire site. Whilst this was quite an undertaking it has proved invaluable to the expansion and modernisation process, because wherever the school proposes to carry out works they have accurate tree constraints information to refer to. In turn this allows me to carry out arboricultural impact assessments and produce tree protection plans as desk top exercises without needing to re-visit the site. This access to comprehensive tree data combined with a good working relationship with the project architects, IID Architects, means that the discharge of conditions with practical but effective tree reports is a rapid and economic process. Full details can be seen at: https://planning.hillingdon.gov.uk/OcellaWeb/showDocuments?reference=7402/APP/2016/4517&module=pl .
If you want effective and practical tree advice, just drop me an email - [email protected] .