Discernment is a spiritual aspect of the human consciousness. It is often the difference between making wise decisions and making a miscalculated one. It is an understanding of many perspectives and understanding where components will enforce their influence. Then a choice for the sacredness of integrity and sovereignty must be expressed. Leaders must pay very close attention to their discernment development. Wise leadership is the difference between empowering development or creating a "devolutionary" consequence. Using discernment will either create harmony or disharmony.
Humanity is still in a lower development as a component of unison. We are yet to live in harmony with ourselves and this is a great hindrance in our presence in creation. Humanities capacity is great, but we are using a small part of that capacity as a whole. Our resources in human nature of a spiritual capacity are latent in some. Just as our schools begin educating our children on how to process information much like a computer processor, we are yet to understand the lacking of spiritual education for the human race. This spiritual development is not about a religious component, but one of character and creation. It is about a deep respect for all life and in recognizing that we are all connected. It is about living in peace with one another.
Much of our resources and efforts go into keeping a monetary system functioning, but less focus has been seriously developed to ensure the spiritual development of the human race as a whole. While world religions have sought to focus on this spiritual development, the very divide between them once again serves to separate humanity. This reason is centered in the idea of superiority and as the only way to the creator. The vast contributions that religion has given humanity then will fall short on this point. We must learn to love unconditionally.
The uses of saviors have not been reserved for those who are deserving of this title, but rather it is repeated even in our peers. There should be no savior that can keep humanity from God. The Creator is accessible by all and from all walks of life without the necessity of allegiance to any human form. The Creator is altruistic in truth and love. No human expression can rival this. No modern savior can completely carry this altruistic love without a human or other worldly agenda. This point should be remembered by every spiritual being upon this planet so that mistakes of the past will not be repeated. Hitler was given allegiance as if he was a great powerful savior by many before his true spiritual expression was realized.
We must understand that we are all connected and have a deep respect for individual expression. This is a great aspect of the human race. However, we must use discernment in how we approach our spiritual development. We should not still be dealing with issues of the carnal such as discrimination based on physical attributes, entitlement, and superiority, but should have already graduated to a place of respect and integrity. Humanity is much like a small child who has missed the bus ride to school. We must find our own way to joining the education process of humanity. This means that there must be a refocusing on discerning our efforts.
Universal truths are a shared understanding where all expressions of spirituality can share a deep respect of other expressions. Life is sacred and individual expression must be seen as sovereign. Seeking expression as long as it harms no one must be a freedom that is accepted by all. All deserve love, respect, and kindness. All of humanity should be treated as family.
Sacred Individual Expressions
The animated part of every being upon this planet is animated because of a spirit that inhabits that particular being. Each being is an expression of creation. As such, we are responsible for our expression and its interaction with others. The vast perspectives of this expression allow humanity to articulate great creativity and independence. Conformity is not the same as cooperation. Conformity is an expression of concern for what others perceive as acceptable. Learning to live in harmony does not include the stripping of individual expression, but recognizes the value of cooperation. This point must be considered sacred because without this point of discernment, history will repeat itself in harming its own kind. Functioning as one race means that humanity must recognize the value of the individual life. Without this discernment degradation will show itself.
Sacred Love of Life
Inner authority of each individual must be realized and exercised in all of our decisions. We should question all of our involvements and never seek allegiance to any other, but rather we should seek allegiance to the sacredness of acknowledging the value of each life. Deception is a daily aspect of life and discerning and navigating through this is an essential part of our spiritual growth. The lacking of its mastery is a sign of the deficient spiritual acknowledgment of life.
Those who are spiritually awakened recognize that the greater good rests on the sacredness of kindness in every interaction and in every expression of creation. They recognize that no technology, station of influence, or perceived station of power should be the determining factor of decisions. This narrow window of understanding is what separates those who are ready to lead themselves and support others in this journey of life. Exercising discernment will show a true leader from one who is pawned by outer influences.
Graduating from Fear Based Discernment
Fear is a low development expression and its influence must be outgrown in order for humanity to graduate to the next level of maturity. Decisions should not be made on fear and its presence only postures us in a weak position. It acts as an area of manipulation. Fear is a trigger where humanity can be controlled and used for other influences other than empowerment and harmony. Having concern and channeling this concern into a proactive expression is the appropriate place in discerning interaction. No matter the grave expression of a situation, we must be in a place where we do not become entangled by the power of fear. In that moment, we will become its subject, just as a pawn is predictable in a game of chess. In that moment, we are not functioning as spiritual beings, but rather as expressions of degraded emotion. This could be one of the greatest single downfalls of mankind. While fear causes submission, it also causes spiritual degradation.
Fear has bred much conflict in humanity. Human nature has given way to fear based solutions. This has stunted the maturity of humanity. It has pitted humans against themselves. It has wasted great spiritual resources, caused spiritual degradation, and created a form of slavery within the human community. It imposes great pain upon the heart of humanity. Instead of withholding privilege by those who harm others, harm is inflicted. This is much like abusing your own child in order to get them to behave. This concept is progressive, but it is also a truth that humanity needs to come to soon or risk regret that will impact our very existence. Conflict should be handled with diplomacy and respect for those that are caught in the fold. Risking the harm of those who are innocent to enforce power as a solution only shows a great deal of disregard for discernment. Harming the innocent will only breed more conflict.
Spiritual Mastery
Intellectual intelligence is only a small part of what a leader should be. The spiritual intelligence is far more important to the existence of humanity than most have realized. The level of exposure to new challenges will commence with great consequences and those who are not prepared will be manipulated. The grief caused by this manipulation will be a great grief that could lead to the disbanding of humanity. Much like an endangered animal in the wildlife kingdom, humanity is teetering on a station in the future. The lack of this understanding is a grave weakness for humanity. Entitlement will not save humanity, but will only show others that we are in fact weak and live by our lower instincts. Then those who are entitled will then be used as pawns. They will then be in a position to take on karma of their own suppression.
Humanity must begin to recognize those who cannot reach a level of trust and empowerment away from fear in their discernment. Just because we have appointed leaders does not mean that they possess the skills and spiritual maturity to care for humanity. Our discernment must be exercised in a sacred place where we are not devotees, but rather stewards of supporting truth and individual sovereignty. We need to be selectively giving loyalty in our lives. This loyalty lies in appropriate benefits for the human race and the recognition of love for all of humanity. If we cannot be loyal to our own human race, then we are still to be spiritually mature. We will be manipulated and we will regret its ending.
Dianne Irene All Rights Reserved. Excerpt from Spiritual Intelligence: Human Consciousness Realized.