Discern on Discernment

Discern on Discernment

I don't know what it is about freshly fallen snow, but it causes me to reflect. We had snow on October 31. It is pretty much gone again. But, it will return. Winter has its way this time of Year, ahead. That said, this is a post with tomorrow in mind; looking at Discernment as Virtue.

To date, with The Humanity Map Project, we have explored on KNOWledge and Creativity and Curiosity. These all help with the practice of KNOWledge, probably considered as Wisdom in Stoicism.

The Virtue of KNOWledge
The Virtue of Wisdom

That said, there is much to reflect upon above and in the links provided. Such reflection is well guided by the practice of Discernment.

The Virtue of Discernment

With Discernment, we are thoughtful; not necessarily in the spirit of Kindness ... but we give real thought to our ideas, words and deeds... which can manifest as Kindness because we considered the needs of others. Discernment seeks full information, as humanly possible. Discernment reflects. It is intuitive too. It considers. It seeks to be aware. Creativity and Curiosity open our minds up to myriad possibilities. Discernment helps us focus towards our best ideas and thoughts. It stands in the face of the "knee jerk" and provides for due and effective Consideration.

I am a Leadership Educator, Speaker, Coach and Creator helping Educators, Entrepreneurs and Emerging Leaders working to build a better world at school, work, business and community... through Character, Purpose and Unity. Character matters. Discernment is a Strength of Character. All I respectfully ask is that you discern on Discernment and the above. How might it apply in practice for you in your life, forward? What might it look like? With whom? Where? How? Discern on that. Discern on Discernment. The Return on Investment can be high. Aim High.

Justice, Peace and Unity...

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

And here are some other offerings to possibly consider...

Discernable Books I Adore, lol.

My Body of Work
Humans Together Strong
118 Virtues


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