Discern. Decide. Devote.

Discern. Decide. Devote.

I am stepping into Reset... and part of that is about further exploring Stoic Strength and Happiness. The decision on Reset was, in part, inspired by recent forays into Cooperation and UPRIGHTness and Understanding and KNOWledge. Moving into 2024, amidst continuing mysteries around Health... and with an interest in sharpening the blades around Clarity with my own Next Chapter...

... I am ever better seeing UPRIGHTness as that capacity to stand humbly tall in one's Integrity. And, KNOWledge is that noble pursuit of learning, almost in doing so. Learning and Being, Being and Learning. Both UPRIGHTness and KNOWledge have real importance to me, heading into 2024. Both require time for that Reset. And... I must note that that same call for Reset was also, in part, inspired by recent rich and engaging conversation. In such conversations (recorded and not) over these past few Weeks, I have been often reminded of my own need to "Be and Learn" and to discern, decide and devote.


We all have access to Character and Virtue in potential and practice. I humbly believe in (and contend on) such. Indeed, I believe it to be the basis of great personal and professional Leadership. Right now, and for me... the 3 Virtues playing lead roles in the onset of Reset are Discernment, Decisiveness, and Devotion. Discerning through various forms of reflection, deciding from such focused attention and reflection and choosing to devote and commit... from said Discernment and Decisiveness.

That said, it is not lost on me that we live in a world where the demands upon us too often include some arbitrary sense of urgency and the need for the "knee jerk" reaction. When I study on Character, Purpose, Unity and Stoicism, I see a different approach; considered and deliberate. Wisdom comes from same. In an age where data and metrics and AI seem almost worshipped, Wisdom is still the mountaintop. And we need Wisdom more than ever before, I offer. This requires us to better understand that Discernment + Decisiveness = Devotion.

I invite you to read and reflect upon the Cards above. As I post this last blog until 2024... as I take that needed and sacred step into Reset... as I openly and willing explore UPRIGHTness and KNOWledge for Health and Service forward... I will be holding hands with Discernment, Decisiveness and Devotion.

Imagine these 3 strengths of Character in forming our own considered thoughts, in engaging in constructive dialogue, in bridging the incessant divides put forward to us as supposed options. Imagine these 3 at home, school, work, business and community; locally and globally. How might these strengths of Character resonate for you? Until 2024...

Justice, Peace and Unity...

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

And here are some other offerings to possibly consider...


And some resources...

And Music...

See you in 2024!


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