Discarding the 10 Commandments

Discarding the 10 Commandments

For Humanity to progress, we must discard the 10 Commandments of Moses.

They have been corrupted by the frequency of Fear, and have only plunged us deeper into Darkness over the past centuries.

Replace them with this ONE Commandment instead:

"I have not come to abolish the Commandments, but to complete them" (Matthew 5:17)

In their place, Yeshua has given us two very simple ones:

1) To love God with all your heart.

2) To love your neighbor as yourself.

The first commandment recognizes that God is one and there is no other beside Him

This tells us that EVERYTHING in existence is a manifestation of God!

This leads to the realization that ALL WE SEE, including the people we 'hate', are none other than an aspect of Him.

The second commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.

If we truly understand that ALL IS God, then loving our neighbor becomes an act of loving God!

Since our neighbor, like ourselves, is a unique expression of the divine.

In truth, BOTH COMMANDMENTS TELL US literally the same thing.


The Commandment of loving everyone around us.


This Commandment gives us a roadmap to end suffering.

By recognizing the divine in all beings, we start to (slowly) act more with love, compassion, and unity.

This dissolves the illusions of Darkness that keep us trapped in Hell on Earth (and also in the afterlife)

The Way, the Truth and the Life is simple at its core.

We are free to do ANYTHING on Earth, so long as this Commandment of Love is respected and upheld

Its only the Dark that complicates the truth, forcing us to obey a million restrictions all based on Fear


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