Discarded Pet To Apparel
Witnessing a mound of plastic PET bottles discarded all over the place, after a huge event or a wedding is a common sight these days. Since the 1950’s 8.3 billion tons of plastic have been manufactured worldwide. Sadly, sea creatures and animals bear the brunt of plastic pollution. Plastic waste (including plastic bottles) washes into the ocean and kills 1.1 million marine creatures annually. With advancement in technology, these plastic bottles which take decades to decompose can now be converted to apparel. Today, the majority of the recycled polyester we make use of originates from discarded soda and PET bottles. The conversion process goes through some rigorous stages before they are made into PET fiber. If one intends on leaving this planet for future generations, recycling is considered to be an imperative process.
Converting Waste to Wear
The conversion process is quite straightforward. It starts by collecting rejected PET bottles. They are then cleaned, dried thoroughly, and crumpled to tiny pieces. After this, the crushed pieces are heated and formed into strings of yarn after being processed through a spinneret. In the last stage, the fiber is sent into a crimping machine, to bring about a cottony texture. The yarn is then dyed into the color of choice and is woven into polyester fabric.?
Is it Safe to Wear Plastic Made from Recycled Bottles?
After all that we hear about the use and throw of plastic ware and the ill effects of re-use. It is natural for one to wonder if it is safe to wear apparel made out of plastic bottles. What if the chemicals in the plastic cause bacteria growth in our bodies? To understand if the products are genuinely recycled and are toxic-free, one has to go through the GRS certification details, which every industry is encouraged to follow. If the process was followed accurately, then yes, it is safe to wear plastic made from recycled bottles. Having said that, while PET itself is harmless to the skin, other dyes and synthetic substances that go through the end process of manufacturing can pose to be harmful.
Benefits of Clothing From Recycled Plastic Bottles
Gone are those days where plastics were posing a threat to the environment. Plastics Today, are widely recycled and are used to manufacture apparel. With textile industries being the number one polluters, green apparels portray eco-consciousness. The process of conversion is found to consume less energy than that of outfits that are conventionally made. Apparels made out of recycled bottles were found to be resilient to brutal weather and were found to be long-lasting. Deadly toxins are released into the atmosphere while burning plastics, converting plastics to clothes will drastically avoid the release of such toxins. Waste PET bottles discarded into landfills are brought to an end. Above all, the world of fashion has readily embraced the concept of recycled plastic with open arms. Athletes and celebrities, musicians have joined hands to promote the green campaign.
Brands Converting Plastics to Apparels
Many fashion industries have joined hands in preserving the environment by converting plastic into wearable outfits. “Veja '', a French brand is widely known for producing ethical sneakers by the name B-Mesh which stands for “Bottle Mesh”, which is essentially made by converting plastic into sneakers. “GirlFriend Collective '', another company that manufactures leggings and innerwear from recycled plastic. “BEEN London'', a London-based brand that is known for producing materials out of recycled plastic.
Turning 4 Billion Plastics Into Clothes
Did you know that nearly 4,00,000 student graduates are wearing gowns that are made exclusively out of recycled plastic? Unifi, an industry based in North Carolina manufactures nearly 300 million pounds of polyester yarn annually. Over the past seven years, Unifi has turned a staggering 4 billion used, discarded bottles into yarn.?
The Question Remains, Are Clothes Made From Plastic, Eco-friendly?
We have seen the conversion of plastic to apparel to be a complete game-changer. But on the other hand, isn’t recycled plastic still plastic? Yes it is, but there are now more microplastic particles in the oceans than there are stars in our galaxy. So, instead of letting mounds of plastic fill up in rivers and landfills that may remain there for hundreds of years, why not turn it into something that we are prepared to use? For all those who are fashion conscious and eco-conscious at the same time, they have an excellent choice of venturing into fashionable apparels made from recycled PET? bottles. Recycling products consume way less energy than that of manufacturing a new one. As our environment is in a dire state, by recycling plastic and converting it into apparel, we are doing our bit to reduce pollution and preserve the ecosystem. By preserving our environment, we are leaving a better world to our future generations.