Disaster prep: How to create an agency contingency plan
We’ve all seen the damage Mother Nature has caused in recent years. In the first half of 2023, the world endured $53 billion in global insured losses—the fourth-highest year on record and 46% above average since 2000.
Many of the same natural disasters that impact end-insureds can wreak havoc on the independent agencies that service an impacted community. Yet, according to a recent Big “I” report, only 24% of independent agencies have a written contingency plan to handle emergencies.
Disasters come in all sizes, from catastrophic storms to merely disruptive events like the power going out. Regardless of the scope, independent agencies require a solid contingency plan to turn to when business becomes anything but typical. And the best time to make this plan is today before the lights go out and you’re looking for a flashlight.
Shore up your agency
A contingency plan is like putting your oxygen mask on first in an airplane before helping someone else: If your agency is inoperable, you can’t help your clients recover from disaster.
Get your agency ready for anything:
Ensure open lines of communication
For insurance agents, client communications are always important, but when the phone lines are down, they become critical.
What to do when the office is out of service
The pandemic taught us that work doesn’t have to happen at a desk in an office. To prepare for working in the field during a disaster, agencies can make preparations before critical work is done off-site.
The independent insurance agency is always on the front line when things go from right to wrong. Agents support their clients on their very worst days and can often make the difference between inconvenience and catastrophe.
However, an agency cannot be there for clients if rendered disabled. Creating a solid contingency plan is critical before the next storm hits.
This blog appears on Vertafore's website: https://www.vertafore.com/resources/blog/disaster-prep-how-create-agency-contingency-plan
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