Disaster Planning, did we get it right? are we ready for it to get worse?
Is this a sales pitch, yeah I suppose it is, but worth a read, it came after I listened to a very clever client:
Before I get in to my pitch, I saw a quote from Read Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon’s, of JPMorgan Chase, he said:
“The crisis must serve as a wake-up call and a call to action for business and government to think, act and invest for the common good.”
This got me thinking, I worked with Regus for many years and part of my job was to ‘sell’ the concept and use Regus network of offices for their DR (Disaster Recovery) plans, brilliant and worked well.
But now, wow, who could have predicted such a major disturbance to business operations. The whole idea of DR now must change quite dramatically, of course a lot of the info are on cloud-based platforms and backed up in data centres with reserve and independent power sources and the like. But what about the people?
The people who are the main driver for business. The people that daily go to work. We are still too far off the use of AI and robots, although not as far off as one would think. But still, people are the life blood of most business organisations out there, especially the small and medium-sized enterprises.
So, what can be done? To plan for this type of event, or even worse, how can one predict?
Bear with me on this next part, a bit of background Is needed. I can’t claim credit for this, one of my clients called me and said he wanted all his investments to move into cash and capital guaranteed products, this was at the end of Feb this year.
Considering he was making a decent growth already I listened to why he wanted this, and did as he asked. A very clever man. Once it seemed the market had dropped through the floor, I showed him a few high yield (ridiculously high) structured notes, he invested probably about 20% of his portfolio into the notes and capital guaranteed accounts.
Now, the point of above was, he did not panic, he decided he wanted to play safe, then moved when he thought it was the right time, and together we planned a strategy. Now the products he invested into are pretty much gone, a lot of the capital guaranteed products are coming to an end by the 31st May 2020. This tells me the banks are planning on reducing their risk, which is great, but the sheer lack of capital guaranteed products will be noticeable and therefore will give a higher exposure to risk in the future. Of course, all my clients now are getting into these products before the end of May.
What does this have to do with DR? Well, from a personal point of view, I want to make sure my clients are as protected as they can be, I want to make sure they increase the liquidity of available cash, but also to help to move their deposits and savings they currently have with traditional banks, to a safer and more secure environment, with the greatest reduction of risk that is possible.
My proposal is: Invest 1 hours of your time to talk to me and to get to know the opportunities you might have never heard of. My task is to ‘arm’ you with all the information you need to make your own educated decision whether these products suit you and you would like to use them. Message me to arrange a virtual meeting and let me tell you about the low-risk products we have access to that might be the part of your ‘Disaster Recovery’ plan.
Let’s not panic, let’s plan.