Disappointed With Your Weight Loss Journey? Find out Why You're Not Getting Results
In the society today, many people are determined to venture into the weight loss journey. It’s important to note that among'st them, a bigger percentage is unaware of the right and safe procedures to adhere to.
Many a times beginning a weight loss journey proves to be the biggest hurdle, and as a result, many end up in the wrong hands and without results even after undergoing the strenuous routines. The good news is that there are various tested and proven methods that will help you achieve your weight lose goals safely.
Healthy -Diet
On the journey to lose weight, the composition of the diet you take is critical. You should be fully conscious of everything that goes down your throat, paying close attention to every single meal you take.
Some of the diet recommendations are as follows;
v Reduce sugar and highly processed foods intake whose digestion rate occur faster and they are easily converted into glucose which triggers insulin production which promotes storage of fat.
v Include healthy and quality proteins in your diet. Protein is essential in body building, fighting diabetes, lowering blood pressure as well as helping in body weight. Examples of quality proteins in include eggs, oats, nuts, milk, fish and many more.
v Include fiber, and vitamins in your diet. Examples include fruit and vegetables, Nuts, whole-grain breakfast cereals, whole-wheat pasta, whole-grain bread, oats, barley, peas, and beans.
Stress Management
Stress prompts the production of cortisol and adrenaline hormones. When left unattended to, they may lead to terrible consequences in your health. The resulting effect from the increase of these hormones include difficulty concentrating, high blood pressure fatty deposits in the midsection, face, or between the shoulders and weight gain.
The following are examples of stress management techniques, and they include,
· Meditation through yoga
· Exercise
· Eating healthy
· Take a break from the stressing environment
· Get moral and social support.
Exercise regularly and consistently
Calories when uncontrolled they pose a risk to our health. Exercise helps to burn out the excess calories from the body. Alongside a healthy diet, regular exercise aids in controlling body weight as well as maintaining physical fitness. When exercising, in order to get results, consistence in whatever schedule or routine you have is very essential to losing weight. There are two major types of exercise namely;
§ Aerobic exercise involves the use of large muscle groups causing the body to utilize more oxygen and they include running, walking and swimming.
Anaerobic exercise involves intense physical activities which include weight training, sprinting and functional training.
Exercise goes hand in hand with an essential diet in order to enable the body to recover from the strenuous physical activities it is subjected to. When you combine physical exercise and healthy diet, with discipline and commitment, you’ll have crossed the biggest hurdle toward your weight lose journey.