"Disappearance of Deliverance" A Feature Film Synopsis by Michael Marks

A heartsick husband hunts out a homicidal Bonnie and Clyde like couple who are hidden in the mountainous California wilderness where they have his wife and two children held as captives as the sadistic woman plans to erase the mother and take her place as their criminal mother.

Aspen Carrington is the passionate and focused writer who is adept at balancing his artistic pursuits and the time that he devotes to his wife and children. His desire is to become a working writer. His dream is for his current work to make the New York Times Bestsellers list. One of Aspen’s most formidable obstacles is his own wife, Miwa Carrington. Overbearing and unsupportive, Miwa rides Aspen like a bucking horse – constantly expressing her displeasure with his writing projects and regards them as an complete waste of time. His writing does not pay the bills. Miwa is most interested in Aspen finding a job and helping her shoulder all the financial burdens. The fact that Aspen is unemployed and does not earn profits or royalties from his writing arouses the ire of Miwa which creates theatrical acts of screaming, shouting, and fits of rage in which Miwa throws things at Aspen’s head. 

Miwa’s problems extend beyond the four walls of her home and right into the psychiatric hospital that employs her as a nurse. Unbeknownst to Miwa, her supervisor, Samantha Upshaw is red with rage and envious of her perfect life with her husband and their two children.  Samantha observes how all the co-workers shower compliments onto Miwa’s two children when her husband and the kids come to the hospital to visit her. Unable to ever conceive children of her own, Samantha wishes with all her soul that she could have her own child. Her husband, Cole Upshaw, gives her grief about this, which in turn makes her feel even more unnatural and unable to fulfill her duties as a wife. Samantha, mastermind and ring leader, influences Cole where the two of them concoct a plan to kidnap Miwa and the two children.

Samantha and Cole go through with their plan and kidnap Miwa and the two kids and take them far into the dense forest of the northern California mountains. One day Aspen is paralyzed with worry after not hearing from his wife and kids. When they never make it home that day and no one else can account for their whereabouts, Aspen sets out on a mission to look for and safely bring his wife and kids home. Aspen enlists his best friend Jamie for this risky venture, who happens to be a former Navy Seal. This mission won’t be easy because there are two opposing forces at play: nature and the villainous Samantha and Cole duo. This mission is made all the more challenging because Samantha and Cole are armed to the teeth and deadly and Aspen knows that he has to meet their might with armed force, but he is afraid of guns and is not comfortable handling one. Ultimately, Aspen summons the courage to handle the gun and with a blaze of glory, along with Jamie, the two of them make an attempt to take the log cabin by force. The log cabin is where his wife and kids are being held by Samantha and Cole. The mission is successful and Aspen is able to rescue his wife and kids, but it is a sort of Pyrrhic victory. His best friend Jamie is killed during the rescue attempt. Jamie’s wife is pregnant with their child, so this is an extremely bitter pill for Aspen to swallow. Aspen decides to write a book based on his experience where it soon becomes a New York Times bestseller.

Michael Marks

[email protected]

(310) 819-7193



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