Disappear for 6 months become a ghost, do this and you'll return unrecognizable:
1. Spend at least 10 minutes a day visualizing your life
Life gets overwhelming. Spend time alone and; ? Go back in time ? Evaluate progress ? Create new plans and strategies Life gets better this way.
2. Spend at least 100 minutes reading daily It doesn't have to be educational or business-related. Read books on; - History - Philosophy - Group dynamics You'll be smarter than 99% of people around you.
3. Go out in nature A quiet environment is great for creativity. Do this; ? Have a notebook ? Sit still or walk around ? Write down your thoughts You'll avoid brain fog and find answers to most of your problems.
4. Eat clean Take in a lot of; - Milk - Eggs - Meat - Fruits - Water - Vegetables Healthy eating is simple and simple is smooth.
5. Stay fit You don't have to overthink this, Do basic exercises like; - Mountain climbers - Push-ups - Pull-ups - Sit-ups - Squats - Bike rides - And walk 5,000 steps Your body weight is enough to keep you fit.
6. Avoid useless information Connectedness is a curse ? Toxic news ? Toxic music ? Toxic books What you consume determines who you are.
7. Avoid toxic habits, environments, and people You're a product of your habits and environment. Leave anything or anyone who's against your main goal.
8. Have friends to support you Be real to yourself first by knowing; - Where you are in life - What you want - Who you are Then fix your priorities. This will help you attract real friends.
9. Delay gratification Your plans will work, not today, tomorrow but eventually. Focus on action and progress.
10. Free writing You'll need to work on yourself and your ideas daily; ? Write what you’ve done ? What you need to do ? What's possible now This will make your ideas clearer.
11. Start businesses, make money, and invest in assets The more you make, the more you can invest. The more you invest, the higher your perceived value.
I hope you've found this thread helpful.