Disagreement is at the Heart of Innovation
The second idea always comes after the first. Innovation and creativity rarely come from putting just one idea on the table. Someone has to disagree with that first idea in order to offer an alternative or to offer a modification of former ideas. Sometimes the first idea is just the current way of doing things.
Innovation is about taking risks.
An individual with a novel solution must be willing to put their innovative idea on the table and have that idea examined and scrutinized. Easily, we recognize the risk of being completely wrong and the impact this may have on our reputation or ego. More likely, however, the solution is not wrong, but suggestions for modification will be provided. How we respond to those suggestions is the second possible risk. If we are not open to listening to those modifications, we run the risk of shutting others down. We run the risk of role modeling the wrong way to innovate. We tell others to not take the risk of giving us feedback on our ideas.? Ultimately, our ability to share the idea with others and to take feedback from others, determines whether or not it is the best solution to the problem.
In order to decide on the most appropriate solution to a problem, we have to compare, contrast, identify the strengths and weaknesses of ideas. Deciding between two or more ideas forces us to examine all aspects of an idea, and we will feel more confident that we made the right decision. Taking time to discuss an idea and to hear all sides of an issue increases the likelihood that everyone will feel heard, even if their idea or thought was not chosen.? In an environment where we are able to take the risks that might come with healthy, we find a lot more commitment to the idea that is chosen.
How do we reduce the risk of innovation through healthy disagreement? Trust.?
In order to put out a novel idea, you must have the trust in your team members that their response of outright disagreement or suggested improvements is not a personal affront, but a sincere desire to solve the problem with the best solution possible given the conditions of the situation--that is, the most innovative idea, not the first innovative idea.
Jonathan partners with high-performing technical specialists to reach their full potential as people-leaders. Combining his science background, corporate experience, and teaching skills, he creates a knowing and trusting relationship necessary to ask clients to do the hard work of building new skills, using their time differently, and embracing values that bring them and the organization the greatest success. To learn how Jonathan can help your organization, visit?envisionpartnersllc.com