Disabled Skiing & Your Limitless 2022!
Hammad Zaidi - January 1, 2022 @ Mammoth Mountain, CA.

Disabled Skiing & Your Limitless 2022!

Happy New Year! As we charge into 2022, I wanted to share a recent experience that has instilled an avalanche of positivity and limitlessness in me, one I hope you get caught in.

First, let me share a few facts about me:

1) I have a moderate disability; a head injury as an infant that limits the use of my left limbs.

2) I wasn't supposed to live, walk without assistance, or be anyone other than a perennial "C" student with a future filled with part-time vocational opportunities.

3) But, things never turn out like they are supposed to, So, with the help of my family and friends, I started riding a bike at five, minibike at 7, and a moped at 14.

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Hammad Zaidi - Kansas Moped Licence, cica 1982.

  • *My Moped License is above.

Such feats allowed me to believe anything is possible. I went on to earn a Masters of Fine Arts from my dream school; the UCLA School of Theatre, Film, and Television Producers Program, where I became a part-time instructor, and a lifelong donor to UCLA sports.

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I pictured Francis Ford Coppola & my sister - a fellow UCLA MFA, on my graduation day.

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Thus, I've always believed anything is possible, and the only limitations a person has as those they put on themselves. In other words, if it's a negative coat you wear, "take it off."

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Jumping to New Year's Day, 2022, I wanted to learn how to ski well enough to join my daughters. While I initially learned how to keep myself upright at Big Bear Lake, CA, through their Disability Sports Program a few years ago, this past weekend in Mammoth Mountain, CA, is where the Disability Sports Eastern Sierra instructors Ross, Linda, Ryan, and Shawn helped me master the art of catching balance down a mountain on skis. My tally included 24 runs, 19 clean, five with falls, and zero broken bones, or bruises. While I'm no speed demon on the slopes yet (as you'll see in the video below), I'll keep pushing myself to get better, until I can race down a mountain as fast or faster than an able-bodied skier can.

Halfway down my 10th and final crash-free run down the mountain, I was overwhelmed with emotion as I realized I was flying at unnatural ski speeds (for me at least), totally in control and completely confident that I could ski, there was nothing I couldn't do. Sure, it took me 51 years to click into skis for the first time, and nearly three more years to try it again and finally "get it" well enough to call myself a skier, but like everything else in life, nothing gets done until you actually do something about getting it done.

So, as you embark on 2022, remind yourself how limitless you are. If you start to lose hope, just tell yourself "If Hammad Zaidi, a nearly 54-year old, moderately disabled guy with limited use of half of his body can ski, then I can do ANYTHING." Thank you for reading this and may 2022 be your most amazing year yet.

The video below is my fifth run down Mammoth Mountain on Sunday, January 2nd.

Woo Hoo, Hammad! So wonderful to share your success via film!



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