Disability Dialogue
Susan Schaffer
Founder of Disability Dialogue- Society is stronger when it inucludes all of it's citizen.
In our current climate employers are seeking workers in order to maintain their usual hours of operation. There are people who are ready, willing, and able to fill the openings. As a job developer, skills instructor, and job coach, I can address common concerns regarding disabled employees and also help connect you with employees. Here are some points:
* Recruitment, retention, and return on investment issues can be solved. * Tax deductions are available for modifications such as ramps and computers. * Sales will increase; customers are attracted to companies with diverse staff. * Turn - over rates will decrease; employee loyalty is a characteristic of the workers.* Productivity increases; employee motivation, and dependability are displayed. * Accidents decrease; workers are naturally safety conscious. * Problem solving skills are a part of life thus they are brought to the workplace. * The Americans with Disabilities Act mandates equal employment.| * An awareness of special needs leads to better customization. www.DisabilityDialogue.com