The Dirty Window of Marketing: What #Marketers can learn from #Metallica's - Dirty Window
Valentin F.
Marketing Specialist @ Undisclosed | Digital Technologies, Automation, Generative AI, Music Industry, Web3, Retail, Marketing, Content Creation, Video Montage.
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Yes, the age-old question: "Am I who I think I am?" It's not just a philosophical musing; it's a question that should haunt every #marketer's dreams. If you've ever found yourself pondering this while staring at your brand's logo, you're not alone. And if you haven't, well, buckle up, because we're about to take a rollercoaster ride through the carnival of self-awareness.
The Window Metaphor: A Tale of Two Sides
Picture this: a window, clean on the inside but dirty on the outside. It's the perfect metaphor for how we often perceive our brands versus how the world sees them. You think your house—hmm, brand—is clean. But what about the people on the other side of that window?
Let's dive into the text that inspired this article, Metallica's Dirty Window narrative that, in my opinion explores the dichotomy of internal and external perceptions. "I see my reflection in the window. This window clean inside, dirty on the out. I'm looking different than me." Sound familiar? It should. It's the marketing equivalent of launching what you believe is a groundbreaking campaign, only to find out it's met with public backlash or, worse, apathy.
The Courtroom of Public Opinion
The text goes on to say, "Court is in session and I slam my gavel down. I'm judge and I'm jury and I'm executioner too." Ah, the intoxicating power of being in control. But are we? In the age of social media, the court is always in session, and the jury is every single person with an internet connection.
Remember the Pepsi ad with Kendall Jenner? Pepsi surely thought they were the judge, jury, and executioner of their brand's narrative. But the public had other ideas. The gavel slammed down, and the verdict was not in Pepsi's favor.
The Many Roles of a Marketer: Projector, Protector, Rejector, Infector
The text lists roles like "Projector, Protector, Rejector, Infector." These aren't just catchy rhymes; they're the hats we wear as marketers. We project our brand's image, protect its reputation, reject strategies that don't align, and—hopefully not but sometimes—infect our audience with messages that miss the mark.
So, how do we ensure we're not just the "Rejector" or the "Infector"?
The Cup of Denial: DON'T Drink It
The lyrics ends with, "I drink from the cup of denial. I'm Judging the world from my throne." We've all sipped from this cup, haven't we? We've ignored negative feedback, dismissed lower-than-expected engagement rates, and sat on our self-made thrones of denial.
But here's the kicker: The throne is imaginary. The cup is empty. The only thing that's real is the window—the one that's clean on the inside and dirty on the outside.
Some Final Thoughts
So, dear marketers, the next time you look at your brand, or brand's content try to see it from both sides of the window. Because in the end, the most important reflection is the one staring back at you from the marketplace aka the outside of the window.
And remember, the court is always in session. Will you be the judge, the jury, or the one awaiting the verdict? Choose wisely.
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